HR20 Out of Stock?

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
Vallejo, CA
I have a scheduled install date to swap out my HR10 for the HR20 on Saturday the 30th, but I've read in other forums that D* is sold out of the HR20 now and won't get another batch of shipments until early October. I checked and I see that Best Buy is out too.

Anyone know more about these rumors? I'm wondering if I should expect a call soon from D* or Ironwood Communications to reschedule? I would think that Ironwood Communications (installers) would have allocated current stock to already confirmed appointments. :eek:
I have a HR-20, which died within 2 hours of installation. I have been told that they are on backorder, from a manufacturer outside of Atlanta.

Peace and blessings,

pgtogo2004 said:
I have a scheduled install date to swap out my HR10 for the HR20 on Saturday the 30th, but I've read in other forums that D* is sold out of the HR20 now and won't get another batch of shipments until early October. I checked and I see that Best Buy is out too.

Anyone know more about these rumors? I'm wondering if I should expect a call soon from D* or Ironwood Communications to reschedule? I would think that Ironwood Communications (installers) would have allocated current stock to already confirmed appointments. :eek:
There are still a few in the local BB in my city, at least as of earlier today.

I believe that may have meant Distribution center. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Peace and blessings,

Oh crap, I'm supposed to get installed Friday! Is there anyone I can call and find out if they are out in STL, MO?
The warehouses that the installers use should still have them--it is supposedly only some of the direct retailers that are out.

Your installer will probably call to confirm the install a day or two beforehand, and you can ask them if they have one for you.
paulman182 said:
The warehouses that the installers use should still have them--it is supposedly only some of the direct retailers that are out.

Your installer will probably call to confirm the install a day or two beforehand, and you can ask them if they have one for you.

Or you can call directv, and ask for the phone # and name of the install CO, and then you call them and ask for stock availablity...
Well to add salt to this.....I picked up a HR20-700S <---(dont know what the "S" stand for) but I picked one up at BB in the DC area (Springfield VA) on Friday 22SEP. Hooked everything up. I have 3 Lnb dish. Got the software update and all. Took a while and a couple of reboots. But I got it. All was working well this weekend. Then yesterday morning I go to turn the thing on and it started making a clicking sparking sound. And me being in the IT field know what that mean. Hard Drive gone bad. Talked to tech support about it. Well after Reboot after reboot, holding the down arrow key and rec button together many it can format the disk....nothing worked. So I tried to exchange at BB. No more in stock. Go to a different one (Fair Lakes VA) because they show 3 in stock on the BB computer. Get there nothing in stock. Come home call D* and they are Fedex'n one this week sometime. Fingers crossed!
Now today I have install sked for the 5 lnb dish and a swap of my HR10 for a HR20. Hopefully the installer is coming. Havent heard from them yet. Will see...again fingers crossed.
Please post if you get it this week. I have been waiting one and a half weeks a replacement to be shipped and D* keeps telling me they are on backorder. One Adv Tech CSR confided that it may be a couple of weeks.
Good luck to you, but unless the installer has one, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Well, I have to update, after being told yesterday afternoon that they were still on backorder, lo and behold a delivery came to my office today.
So it appears that they are back in the pipeline.
Good news Dawg, glad to hear it.
To clarify, if the order is for new equipment, the installers can bring them, but they generally don't carry extras to do a field swap if defective (according to D*).
Sweet!!!! Can't wait till my install Friday! Switching from E*. I've heard some crap about D* around the forums, but they offered me a sweet deal I couldn't refuse.:D
Another question. I noticd that the sale price of the HR20 (like on is the same price quoted on the D* site. Does that mean once I have it, I own it?
Unofrtunately, no.
I bought mine through Value Electronics ($299) and when I activated it, was told that it was a lease. Unless you paid full retail ($999 or so), D* has already subsidized it, so you fall into the lease plan.
Other than being able to sell your old receivers, there isn't much of a down side. The lease fee is the same (virtually) as the old mirroring fee so your real cost per month doesn't go up. There is debate as to whether leasing means the warranty period is basically as long as you have it, but I was told by an Adv Tech CSR that it was in fact the case. I asked him to note that he said so in my record and confirmed it with another CSR later.
Good luck jb, post on Friday and let us know how the install went.
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Does anyone know if HR20 has been released in NJ?

why cant 3 lnb pick up HD locals?

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