I got Lucky!!!


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jun 18, 2004
Check out where my spot beam for my Locals is... I got VERY lucky.

I'm shooting at the 148w btw. Sorry for the bad pic... i was shooting directly into the sun.

The signal is comeing through the space between the branches I've circled

ya... i think im gonna rent a pole saw here sometime in the near future and do a little trimming. lol.
If it's true, you will lose your signal in a couple of years when the tree grows a couple of inches. I believe it is not coming through that small opening, but over the top of the tree.
korsjs might be right. Remember the dish looks like it looking lower than it really is.

What's the elevation number? How high off the ground is the hole in the branches? How far away from the tree (level line) is the dish?

40 over and 40 up is 45 degrees. 60 over and 20 up is 30 degrees.
The satellite signal is more likely coming in to the left of the pine tree as indicated below. I marked it as the signal more likely coming in to the left of the dots in the space where the X is at.


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Stargazer said:
The satellite signal is more likely coming in to the left of the pine tree as indicated below. I marked it as the signal more likely coming in to the left of the dots in the space where the X is at.


When trying to insert the image I get the message box with the text below:
Explorer User Prompt:

enter the text to be formatted

Script Prompt


I will have to wait to add the image until after the error is fixed.

How can you be so obtuse???

It quite obviously is in the upper right quadrant of the photo.


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This is when that new tool I seen posted at DBSTalk would come in handy where you could actually see where the satellite signal is coming from and what tree branches would be in the way.
No way, as mentioned above don't forget it's an off-set dish. The signal is coming from several degrees above where it looks. If a pro installed the dish they should have had an optical scope that shows the true location of the satellite. If they installed the dish knowing that the tree was in the way they should be shot. If you accepted that set-up knowing about the tree then you deserve what you are about to get. We never would have installed that dish if that was as you say. It's a charge back waiting to happen.
uhh... the signal isn't NOT coming from that x. if it's not coming from the area i circled, it would be from above it and slightly left.

anyway... it doesn't matter... the signals coming in and in two years time, i'll be moved or the channels will be moved to the main sat anyway.

i'm just glad i finally have my locals.
e0rbay said:
uhh... the signal isn't NOT coming from that x. if it's not coming from the area i circled, it would be from above it and slightly left.

If you are referencing my picture, you need to look closer. ;)

If there are signal issues using that dish it should be relocated to the left of where it is at now to clear that tree.
gpflepsen said:
If you are referencing my picture, you need to look closer. ;)


i am... and i see your big NO, and a marking in the upper right.

i just took a lazer pointer and set it on the lnb arm... it IS pointing where i circled.

not that it even matters though. i'm getting a signal. that's what matters. i wasn't trying to start an agrument, or prove a point.... although it seems that quite a few of you are.

so much for a friendly post.
ken said:
No way, as mentioned above don't forget it's an off-set dish. The signal is coming from several degrees above where it looks. If a pro installed the dish they should have had an optical scope that shows the true location of the satellite. If they installed the dish knowing that the tree was in the way they should be shot. If you accepted that set-up knowing about the tree then you deserve what you are about to get. We never would have installed that dish if that was as you say. It's a charge back waiting to happen.

wow ken, you're quite an angrey person. lol. i mean for gods sake... i wasn't trying to prove any point. i was just saying that i got lucky.

yes ken... the guy DID install it. this isn't a conspiracy... i didn't fabricate that picture because i thought it would be fun. i just thought it was funny. that's all.

so... if it makes you feel better to shoot the tech, and think of me as deservant of anything... then go right ahead. i'll be happy to provide you with the name and contact of the guy who came to my house, and i'll PM you when my locals go out so that you can celebrate.

as for me, right now, i'm enjoying my locals. if they go out in a year... so be it. i'll relocate the dish. it's not the end of the world.
I think the serious factor is set a bit too high, my picture was (obviously?) in jest.

Now to be serious... you say you laid a laser pointer on the LNB arm and it points towards the hole in the trees. The dish looks at a point well above this elevation, as pointed out in an earlier post. Imagine looking at the dish from the side, draw an line from the lnb to the center of the reflector then off into space at an equal but opposite angle. That is where the dish is looking. The rough illistration attached should make it more clear. :)


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e0rbay said:
i just took a lazer pointer and set it on the lnb arm... it IS pointing where i circled.
That laser pointer will give you a azumith direction only, not the elevation of the satellite. The angle of the arm is not that of the satellite beam. (It helps to think of the satellite beam as a cylinder as big around as your dish, coming off the dish at the angle specified by your pointing screen) If the opening in the tree isn't at least as big as your dish, you're blocking signal.

If you can, take a picture from a point equa-distant from the tree and your dish, and the same distance from that point as it is between the tree and the dish. Take your favorite photo editing software and add a line angled at your elevation and attach one end on the dish. If it clears the tree in your picture, you should be golden.

If this doesn't make much sense, it's been a long day. I'll come back later in the light of day and re-read this. :confused:

Edit: Gerry, excellent picture. Much better than my ramblings above.
gpflepsen said:
I think the serious factor is set a bit too high, my picture was (obviously?) in jest.

Now to be serious... you say you laid a laser pointer on the LNB arm and it points towards the hole in the trees. The dish looks at a point well above this elevation, as pointed out in an earlier post. Imagine looking at the dish from the side, draw an line from the lnb to the center of the reflector then off into space at an equal but opposite angle. That is where the dish is looking. The rough illistration attached should make it more clear. :)

sorry... didn't know you were just jokin.

thanks for that graphic though... that clears up a lot.

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