I Need Help Directv Screwed Me

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 20, 2006
i will try and make this short. i had a old hdvr2 the stopped working so i called DT and they said since it is a old one they will send me a new one for free but i have to pay for shipping and sign a 2 year contract. i told him i want a tivo not a r15 he said no problem we will send u a refurbished tivo box this was on 9/5. i got my box an it was a r15 a called them and told them i didn't want this i wanted a tivo they said they didn't have any left. asked for a supervisor they told me he will call me back with in 24hr. never called so i called back and asked to speak to a supervisor he finally got on the phone and told me there is no way we can send you a tivo box we don't have them but i could give you a $20 credit for the shipping and give you $10 off your bill for the next 6 months i said OK and activated my box. i got my bill and the didn't take off the $20 or the $10 so i called up and they said that there is no notes in my account about that and they cant give it to me. so now i am stuck it a 2 year contract with this crappy r15 and no discount what can i do.
Well, they haven't made any Tivo units for over a year. They just don't sell them anymore, they only support the ones that are still out there.
bonscott87 said:
Well, they haven't made any Tivo units for over a year. They just don't sell them anymore, they only support the ones that are still out there.
Argue with them for a HR10-250 it is the last TiVo they were selling. They are buying them back from their distributers and even offering dealers the option of returning them for credit. I suspect that they will sell them to Walmart/Sams as they did last year with the R10s to clear them out of their inventory.:) :) :)
update i called up and spoke to another cs she gave me the $20 discount on this bill and from next bill on for six months i will get $10 credit i took her name and id number
Welcome to Satelliteguys!! :welcome

adog said:
i dont have HD

You don't need HD to use the HR10-250, as it will also record SD programming just the same.

Glad to hear that they credited your account!
just called back they said they dont have hr10- they only have hr20 but she gave me the $10 credit for this month
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Doesn't make sense to me, since the HR20s are backordered (and have been since the initial shipment). Seems they would want to ship them wherever they can. If nothing else than to prevent the hundreds of calls per day to see if HR20s are shipping yet.
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HR20 & HDMI Connection Not Working

Good Install Experience

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