Im lost

When you click the Start button you should see "Default Programs" there. Click on that and then on "Set program access and computer defaults". The little down arrows on the far right will expand the selection and you will see a place to specify which program to use for email. I see one named "Custom" where I find this information, but yours may be different. Click on them and poke around some.

However, I get the impression you use Yahoo for your email. Correct? If this is the case then you do not have your email software configured on the computer. You may need to get with your ISP for the configuration settings for Windows Mail.

Where are you seeing these mailto links? Websites? I'm a little unclear as to exactly what you are doing. More information would be helpful.
Okay, I see. You want to use yahoo as your default email program.

I found this;
How to Make Yahoo! Mail Your Default Windows Email Program - About Email

However, part way down I see, "Yahoo! as Default Email: Does Not Work under Windows Vista". The wording in the explanation is ambiguous and I'm not sure exactly what they're saying.

Take a look at that link and see if you find the fix. I see reference to downloading and installing Yahoo! messenger.