I'm picking up E* with my OTA


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 21, 2005
While messing around tonight with my OTA in anticipation of getting my 622, I picked up on NTSC channel 17 a Dish "Press Select to Continue" screensaver. I know it's not coming from my own 721, because I unplugged it to make sure, plus rotating my OTA improved the signal. I guess I have a neighbor who is inadvertently sending their signal back up their antenna. Has anyone else ever seen this? I think I'll set my PC Tuner to record it for a few days to see what they are watching?

How does one avoid doing this accidently when sending a modulated signal out to other TV's in the house if you have an OTA?
yardline said:
How does one avoid doing this accidently when sending a modulated signal out to other TV's in the house if you have an OTA?

Don't put your antenna on the Modulated Output port of the receiver. And I guess once you get your modulated output to work, you could walk around your house to check if any of that signal bleeds out. You *could* report your neighbor by reporting to the FCC. But then, you'd never know what kinds of programming your neighbor watches. :)
It says right is the 622's manual that you will rebroadcast over your OTA if you don't put a one way filter inline after the OTA. I tried doing this and it reduced my signal strength so i took it out and don't care anymore. I probably had the wrong filter so if i do find the right one i'll use i.

you can always walk around the neighborhood with your UHF remote and see who it is
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There is another possibility. Some low power TV stations that carry religious or shoipping networks 24/7 are fed by Dish or Directv receivers. There are also some TV translators fed by satellite, if they cannot get a reliable OTA signal. In either situation, it could be possible for a receiver to lock up or the signal to fail, and the error screen to be trasmitted over the air.
very true. We use to have a MTV2 translator station that was fed with an old Dish box. When it rained we would see the green "please wait for signal" screen :D
try changing the remote address on your E remote perhaps you can take control of your neighbors box and buy porn:)

I REALLY am joking! But I keep my receivers locked after seeing my receiver highjacked by a neighbor
I have ran across this in the field it is interesting to say the least.
if somebody has a really good OTA antenna mounted on top of a tall pole or their house, and has just spliced everything together using splitters to feed all the TV's, that "pirate E*" signal could cover a pretty good area.

For my house, I am using only the E* receiver to feed the TV's, with the OTA antenna going only to the E* receiver's OTA antenna input. No chance of backfeed there.
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Unfortunately in my area, almost every channel from 25-69 is covered by (or adjacent to) someones analog or digital signal (from either Harrisburg or Baltimore, not to mention Washington/Hagerstown), so I couldn't do something like that. Actually had to setup a dedicated TV2 line in my house to get non-degraded signals to my TV's.
More than likely my CM4228 was putting out a degraded TV 2 signal, but since it was being drown out on my coax, the neighbors probably weren't getting much from it as well.
The TV2 output for the dual tuners can output to channels 21-69 or CATV 73-125.

Could it be possible that the neighbor is using a modulator to output to channel 17?
if somebody has a really good OTA antenna mounted on top of a tall pole or their house, and has just spliced everything together using splitters to feed all the TV's, that "pirate E*" signal could cover a pretty good area.

For my house, I am using only the E* receiver to feed the TV's, with the OTA antenna going only to the E* receiver's OTA antenna input. No chance of backfeed there.

I wonder just how much "power" the VIP622 puts out?

Gonna experiment tonight with a small UHF antenna and see if I can broadcast a couple of rooms over, if it works I won't have to go in my crawlspace AGAIN to run another length of coax to the second TV. Wish me luck.:D
One time I got that from two different channels at one time, one was 22 which was mtv2 the other was 66 which was a religeous channel, there was a screen that said bad signal and to press a button, it would go on and off, on mtv2 I was wondering why there was pixelation on an analog channel, I don't remember there being rain at the time but I guess the station is in another city.

btw, wheres spell check?
Do you see a check mark with "ABC" on the right above the white area where you enter replies? If so, that is the spell check. If not, post again that it is not there. It was not appearing for me with Firefox (but Scott fixed that); it could be that it is not visible under other circumstances also.
The TV2 output for the dual tuners can output to channels 21-69 or CATV 73-125.

Could it be possible that the neighbor is using a modulator to output to channel 17?
I'm guessing that one of the CATV channels 73-125 is pretty close to UHF channel 17.
Do you see a check mark with "ABC" on the right above the white area where you enter replies? If so, that is the spell check. If not, post again that it is not there. It was not appearing for me with Firefox (but Scott fixed that); it could be that it is not visible under other circumstances also.

I see it, thanks.

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