Index of High Definition (HD) Movies on HD Cinema & Monsters HD

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A Big Hand for the Little Lady (1966)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> As the biggest high-stake poker game in the West begins, compulsive gambler turned homesteader, Meredith, is drawn into the game. With the entire family fortune at stake, he suffers a heart attack when delt a winning hand. Mary, his pluck penny-pinching, long-suffering wife, steps in. As she plays the hand, she assails her rivals with fortitude and guts. Each is transformed into a model of sensitivity. But a twist ending reveals Mary has had more than fortitude up her sleeve all along. </p>

Starring: Henry Fonda, Joanne Woodward Director: Fielder Cook Studio: Warner Studios Aspect ratio 1.85:1

Voomer Reviews:

TheTimm: 3.5 stars : This one gets an extra star or so for having such a good ending. And I enjoyed the rest of it, too. Sound and PQ were just OK.
One From The Heart (2003)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> From the director of Apocalypse Now and The Godfather comes a different kind of love story...
Legendary director Francis Ford Coppola shines his spotlight on a Las Vegas couple (Teri Garr, Frederic Forrest) whose break-up on the 4th of July leads them both to a night on the strip in pursuit of their romantic fantasies (Raul Julia, Nastassia Kinski). But in this town of gamblers and dreamers, should they bet it all on dreams, or give true love another roll of the dice? Featuring breathtaking design, show-stopping set pieces, the stunning photography of Vittorio Storaro (Apocalypse Now, The Last Emperor) and accompanied by the wonderful Oscar® nominated music of the one and only Tom Waits, this neon explosion of color, sound and innovation is a cinematic valentine for all movie lovers. </p>

Starring: Frederic Forrest, Teri Garr Director: Francis Ford Coppola Studio: American Zoetrope Aspect ratio 1.37 : 1

Voomer Reviews:

TheTimm: 2 stars : Weird, kinda. An "A" for effort, but they didn't really have much of a story to work with. It does, however, get all kinds of style points. And it offers up a great soundtrack of Tom Waits and Crystal Gayle in excellent surround sound. But in general, it seems to me that they never really decided what kind of movie they wanted to make and just kinda made it up as they went along. And they couldn't have picked a worse guy for the leading role. But it's worth a watch (listen, really) for the soundtrack if you have a good sound system. Oh - and Terri Garr is pleasantly sexy and surprisingly naked at times. Oh again - it's shown in 4x3 format - OAR? Good PQ.
Hellraiser VI - Hellseeker (2002)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> A very credible entry in the Hellraiser series, Hellraiser: Hellseeker presents a nifty puzzle for gore fans, plus plenty of philosophical musings from the ineffable Pinhead ("Personally, I prefer pain"). A smoldering Dean Winters plays a man who survives a car accident in which his wife was apparently killed; because of a head injury, his memory is mixed up, and he can't distinguish between reality and fantasy. The borrowings from Memento are obvious, and the fragmented story pieces may not all fit together, but the mystery does become tantalizing. Within the low-budget constraints, veteran cinematographer Rick Bota (making his directing debut) keeps the atmosphere clipped and gloomy. The film also brings back Ashley Laurence, who appeared in the original installments of Clive Barker's franchise. One question: with Pinhead in the house, is visiting an acupuncturist really a good idea? --Robert Horton </p>

Starring: Director: Rick Bota Studio: Buena Vista Home Vid Aspect ratio 1.85:1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 3.5 I love this series. I hope brings them on. The transfers on this one was good and although it showed a technical difficulty in having the video shift to the right, I watched it completly. Some may not agree about this one but I love the those hell keepers; they are awesome.
The Omen Legacy (2001)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> Released in 1976, The Omen introduced audiences to a young boy with an angelic face and a demonic heart. His name, Damien, became synonymous with evil, and the film (starring Gregory Peck and Lee Remick) spawned two theatrical sequels, a television movie, several best-selling books and a television pilot. From the strange incidents that plagued the cast and crew to the resurgent interest in the Book of Revelation and the occult, this feature-length documentary takes you inside one of Hollywood's most fantastic fright-film franchises. </p>

Starring: Director: Brent Zacky Studio: Image Entertainment Aspect ratio 1.37:1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 4.5 if you missed this one, you need to watch it if you are a monster fan. What a documentary? It shows you the way that this movie was made without the sophisticatio of today's special effects. It also gives you a history on how the Fox company got out of trouble and can mess up the whole triology.
This World Then the Fireworks (1997)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> Marty Lakewood is a reporter forced to leave Chicago and his family because he had uncovered too much police corruption. He returns to his small home town on the California coast to his ailing mother and prostitute sister, with whom he had an incestuous affair. Being short of money, he seduces a woman cop in order to sell her house. </p>

Starring: Director: Michael Oblowitz Studio: Orion Home Video Aspect ratio

Voomer Reviews:

TheTimm: 3 stars : Smoky, boozy, sexy, stylish piece of film noir (I think - I don't actually know what "film noir" is, but it seems to fit!) with excellent PQ and a teriffic jazzy soundtrack of bass, bongos, and horns that contributes a lot to the film's mood. Listen to this one loud. Billy Zane is very good as a lunatic. Hall-of-fame sex kitten Gina Gershon is, well...Gina Gershon. Rue McClanahan is surprisingly nuanced as their mother. Beautifully filmed with some clever camera angles and creative lighting.
True Heart (1997)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> A brother and sister are plane-wrecked in Canada, where they must rely on the help of a native and his bear. </p>

Starring: Director: Catherine Cyran Studio: Mgm/Ua Studios Aspect ratio

Voomer Reviews:

TheTimm: 1.5 stars : Nothing really wrong with this movie really - just not my cuppa tea. Never got into it. I did enjoy the Native American (Native Canadian?) music featured in the soundtrack, and watching a young Kirsten Dunst do the acting thing. Zachery Ty Bryan (oldest son on Home Improvement) didn't impress me much. PQ was alright, but with such beautiful scenery, I wish it would've been better.
John Carpenter (doc)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> John Carpenter Documentary. </p>

Starring: Director: Studio: Aspect ratio 1:33:1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 5.0 Just brilliant... What a man... John Carpenter... The insight to his movies his vision, his desire to make movies is beyond comprehension.
American Psycho II: All American Girl (2002)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> Rachael Newman has developed an interest for murders after she met psycho Patrick Bateman. To further study the subject, she enrolls at the university department for Behavioural and Social Sciences, under the expert leadership of ex-FBI man Robert Starkman. Very certain about herself, Rachael has one single goal: to become class assistant. A prestiguous job as having that position will almost guarantee a job at the FBI. But becoming class assistant is no easy task to accomplish, as the first trouble arises when secretary Gerty Fleck decides she is too young for the job. And Gerty Fleck won't be the only obstacle. </p>

Starring: Director: Morgan J. Freeman Studio: Lionsgate/Fox Aspect ratio 1.85 : 1

Voomer Reviews:

TheTimm: 1 star : Pretty bad. Acting was as awful as the caricatures of characters they were attempting to portray. Shatner's kinda fun to watch. Mina Kunis is kinda cute. And the sound was good. Other than that, pretty useless movie.
Undead, The (1957)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> Two psychical researchers procure the services of a lady of the night and send her back in time under hypnosis. She finds herself in the body of a past existence - a woman in medieval times waiting to be beheaded as a witch. By avoiding this fate she unwittingly starts to alter history. </p>

Starring: Director: Roger Corman Studio: American International Pictures Aspect ratio 1.85 : 1

Voomer Reviews:

Scotty: Not many people seem to have liked this old Roger Corman flick but Tivo's guide gave it 3 out of 4 stars, and I enjoyed it. Roger Corman was known for being able to do quick pictures on a small budget, and the age of this film and some of it's cheap special f/x really show's, but it has a neat twist ending, and a good story in my opinion. The story has a bit of a shakespearian quality to it as they travel back in time using hypnosis, and the film uses a bunch of clever medieval dialogue. It's a great morality play that teaches that time honored tradition that one shouldn't dabble with things mystical.'s biography of Roger Corman says this:

A running gag in Hollywood was that Corman could negotiate the production of a film on a pay phone, shoot the film in the booth, and finance it with the money in the change slot.

Although he did them cheap,
The Fly Papers

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> The Fly Papers Documentary. </p>

Starring: Director: Studio: Aspect ratio 1:33:1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 4.0 stars. This was just a fantastic documentary. It explains all the fly movies, their history, their making, and how they have become a classic. I hope Monsters HD can bring all 5 of them and play them in a series. It will be fantastic!

TheTimm: 3.5 stars : Good documentary on "The Fly" movies. Held my interest and entertained me even though I've only seen one of the five films. Hoping Voom brings us these in HD (at least the original or the remake with Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis)!
The Razor's Edge (1984)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> Larry Darrell returns from the battlefields of World War I to America a different person. His fiance (Isabel) resigns herself to a delay in the wedding plans when Larry heads off to Paris. There he finds he prefers a simpler existence and begins to read. One book inspires him to visit India and on to Nepal where he finds spiritual help from a lama. On returning to Paris he finds Isabel and some old friends. Everyone has changed. </p>

Starring: Bill Murray, Theresa Russell Director: John Byrum Studio: Columbia/Tristar Studios Aspect ratio 2.35 : 1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 4.0 stars. Great great great movie. Not the best HD transfer and not OAR but the movie itself is worth watching. Really love the performance of Bill Murray. I thought in the beginning that it was going to be one of those movies which I was going to be bored with but Bill Murray left me with a great taste.
None But the Brave (1965)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> American and Japanese soldiers, stranded on a tiny Pacific island during World War II, must make a temporary truce and cooperate to survive various tribulations. Told through the eyes of the American and Japanese unit commanders, who must deal with an atmosphere of growing distrust and tension between their men. </p>

Starring: Frank Sinatra, Clint Walker Director: Frank Sinatra Studio: Warner Studios Aspect ratio 2.35 : 1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 4.0 stars Excellent war movie with Frank Sinatra. It shows the cold hard facts of war in the American/Japanese war. The PQ was excellent and only wonder how great it would have looked OAR.
The Legend of the Swordsman (1992)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> It's not necessary to see the first Swordsman before you see Swordsman II--though some of the characters are the same, the cast is almost completely different. Into the thick of a clan feud in long-ago China comes young swordsman Ling (Jet Li), who has a romantic attachment to the leader of one side of the feud (Rosamund Kwan). However, on the other side is an evil sorcerer, Asia the Invincible (Brigitte Lin), who has found a magical scroll that will give the user formidable powers if the user castrates himself. Not only has Asia done so, over the course of the movie he transforms into a woman. Ling accidentally meets the newly feminine Asia, who remains silent to hide her still masculine voice, and they find themselves in the throes of a powerful attraction. But this much of the plot is only the tip of the iceberg; Hong Kong movies routinely pack enough story for three films into one, and Swordsman II is no exception. What is exceptional is the emotional power of the story, the superb performances, and the spectacular and hyperkinetic cinematography. Lin is completely magnetic and Li is at his buoyant, charismatic best. There's something so delightful and inviting about the special effects in Hong Kong films that it's simply more fun to believe them than not, even if they aren't realistic by Hollywood standards. At their best, Hong Kong fantasies (like A Chinese Ghost Story or Green Snake) become much more than camp. An epic of amazing scope and surprising richness, Swordsman II is quite possibly one of the greatest movies ever made. --Bret Fetzer -- </p>

Starring: Jet Li, Brigitte Lin Director: Siu-Tung Ching, Stanley Tong Studio: Buena Vista Home Vid Aspect ratio

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 2.5 the story was ok but the dubbed sound made the movie difficult to watch. Quite bad dubbed. They should have subtitled the movie instead. The PQ was accepatable as it had its good moments and its bad moments. The movie is kungfu fantasy. Not too thrill about the flying moves.

TheTimm: 2.5 stars : So this a "Kung Fu" movie, eh? My first one. Have no idea what to make of it or how to rate it. On one hand, it is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Awful - AWFUL! - dubbing, equally bad acting, ridiculous special effects, borderline nonsensical story. So why couldn't I bring myself to change the channel? I do believe I was somehow entertained by this godawful piece of movie! I can't decide if this is genius or retardation or something in between. But it certainly ain't yer average Hollywood movie. I'll wuss out and give it a middlin' rating. Very good PQ, disappointing sound.
Mahogany (1975)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> You know those movies that seemed really, really awesome when you were a teenager? Then, when you saw them again as a adult, you recognized them for the romantic dreck they always were? Mahogany exemplifies the breed. Made in 1975, Mahogany is mired in tedious melodrama that is not enhanced by a predictable and sexist ending. Diana Ross, a poverty-stricken young woman, pulls herself up by her camisole straps until she is at the top of the fashion world. Along the way she meets terrible people who want to use her. They break her heart. She has trouble bouncing back. One of those troubled people who seem to flock to Ross's unstable character is a deranged photographer, played with wild abandonment by Anthony Perkins. His psychotic performance gives this film its only energy. Ross remains unfulfilled until she finds love with inappropriate Billy Dee Williams, who shows none of his usual charisma. --Rochelle O'Gorman . </p>

Starring: Diana Ross, Billy Dee Williams Director: Berry Gordy, Tony Richardson Studio: Paramount Studio Aspect ratio 2.35 : 1

Voomer Reviews:

TheTimm: 1 star : Didn't enjoy this one much at all. The acting was distractingly bad all around - especially Diana Ross, who was anorexically thin and quite simply too unattractive for me to believe her as a fashion model. Everything about this movie was predictable, and the PQ wasn't even very good - nor the sound for that matter. Early on, there were some artistically shot scenes with some nice cityscapes, so I suppose it's not a total waste.
The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> The Bad News Bears In Breaking Training is the comic and poignant second-in-the-series of adventures with the pint-sized sandlot ballplayers initiated with the smash success, The Bad News Bears. The picture picks up the Bears' career a year after their infamous second-place finish in the North Valley League. Faced with a chance to play the Houston Toros for a shot at the Japanese champs, they devise a way to get Texas to play at the famed Astrodome. On their pilgrimage to Houston, the Bears gain a new coach; dump that coach; add a new pitcher who can't get his fastball over the plate; find another coach who shows him how it's done, and go on to a come-back victory with all eyes on Japan. </p>

Starring: William Devane, Jackie Earle Haley Director:Michael Pressman Studio: Paramount Home Video Aspect ratio 1.85:1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 3.0 not terribly bad. A little league team goes to Houston to play in the metrodome (not there anymore, I guess). In the process one of the kids reconciles with his father who he has not seen for 8 years. It is a fun movie to watch with kids.

TheTimm: 2.5 stars: Sean hit the nail on the head with his "not terribly bad" take on it. Tanner himself might call it a cruddy movie about a buncha cruddy kids playing cruddy baseball, but I sure enjoyed it. I thought the coach (someone Devane, was it? William,maybe?) did a pretty good job -- and seemed like the only guy in the movie who ever actually played a game of baseball.
The Magnificent Seven Ride (1972)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> A Brand New Seven -- Doing Their Number! They put their lives on the line and let it ride! </p>

Starring: Director:George McCowan Studio: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Aspect ratio 1.85:1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 3.5 I read a few review about this one and all of them were dow on this movie with Lee Van Cleef as Chris. I enjoyed this one in spite of the bad reviews. I love the western scene and the funny plot of the movie.
That Night (1993)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> A bittersweet look at first love through the eyes of Alice, a precocious 10-year-old. Set in 1961, the film compares Alice's prosaic life to that of her glamorous, "fast" 16-year-old neighbor Sheryl. </p>

Starring: C. Thomas Howell, Juliette Lewis Director: Craig Bolotin Studio: Warner Studios Aspect ratio 1.85:1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 3.5 Very good movie with an excellent HD transfer. The story is not that hot but it has its good moments. I'll recommend to watch.
Chasers (1994)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> A couple of "chasers" (the navy equivalent of mps) retrieve anerrant enlisted woman and get in way over their heads during theeventful trip back to the base. </p>

Starring: Tom Berenger, Erika Eleniak Director: Dennis Hopper Studio: Warner Home Video Aspect ratio

Voomer Reviews:

TheTimm: 2 stars : Inane movie filled with situations contrived to showcase Erika Eleniak's hotness. Actually succeeds there. Everything else about it sucks. And what's with the 4X3?
The Vampire Lovers (1970)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> The Countess is called away to tend a sick friend and imposes on the General to accept her daughter Marcilla as a houseguest. Some of the villagers begin dying, however, and the General's daughter Laura soon gets weak and pale, but Marcilla is there to comfort her. The villagers begin whispering about vampires as Marcilla finds another family on which to impose herself. The pattern repeats as Emma gets ill, but the General cannot rest, and seeks the advice of Baron Hartog, who once dealt a decisive blow against a family of vampires. Well, almost. </p>

Starring: Director: Roy Ward Baker Studio: MGM Aspect ratio 1:85:1

Voomer Reviews:

TheTimm: 3 stars : Pretty cool. And sexy. And it displays some creativity. Not exactly a classic, but not a bad way to kill some time either. More impressive when I consider how old it is - even older than I am.

Sean Mota: 3.0 I agreed with TheTimm. It was a good movie and it kept me watching it.
The Wanderers (1979)

<p><img border="0" src="" align="left" hspace="5"> Tully High School seniors Richie, Joey and Perry run with a gang called the Wanderers in the Bronx. The time is fall 1963 but their experiences are universal: falling in love, surviving in school and defending turf against rivals like the Fordham Baldies, the Del Bombers and the Ducky Boys. </p>

Starring: Ken Wahl, Karen Allen Director: Philip Kaufman
Studio: Warner Studios Aspect ratio 1.85:1

Voomer Reviews:

Sean Mota: 4.0 loved the movie and the music! The HD transfer was fine and in the openning scene there is a theater showing "Battle Cry" which it is now showing on HD Cinema. I found that to be funny. The movie has a very nice concept and story and makes good entertaining for a saturday morning.
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The Majestic HD: Oliver! **** (1968, Musical) 2:30pm/11pm ET

Peter Frampton live from Detroit

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