IR Receiver on 811


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 18, 2003
I bought a ReplayTV today and Im trying to get it work with my 811. On the front of the 811, there are three "eyes" for IR.

Which one do I put the IR Blaster over?

StevenD said:
I bought a ReplayTV today and Im trying to get it work with my 811. On the front of the 811, there are three "eyes" for IR.

Which one do I put the IR Blaster over?


Mine is over the right-most window. I use the IR blaster code 0775 with a couple of tweaks to help it work as smoothly as possible.
Finally got it to work. I had to do a hard reset on the 811. I discovered it wouldnt work with the 811 remote either.
StevenD said:
Finally got it to work. I had to do a hard reset on the 811. I discovered it wouldnt work with the 811 remote either.

Does the 0775 code also turn your 811 on/off? Or do you just have the ability to change channels, etc? I'm using the Replay 3030.
retsef said:
Does the 0775 code also turn your 811 on/off? Or do you just have the ability to change channels, etc? I'm using the Replay 3030.
No, from my understanding of the Replay, at least my 5040, the Replay doesn't turn ANY satellite box/cable box on or off. I just leave my 811 on all the time, and turn it off when I know that there's an update queued up and ready to go.

ReplayTV or TiVO??

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