Is there a Bell Express vu User Forum



Original poster
I just got a 5100 Express Vu receiver (same as a E* 501). Does anyone know of any Canadian satellite boards? The software used by Bell is slightly different then E*. Scott, could you add a Canadian forum to your board. I am particularly interested in where to get listing info. I picked up the Bell guide in Canada. Does anyone know if it can be purchased in the US?

Thanks, Murray
Unfortunately we are only aiming at the American Satellite Audience (Hence the .US in out domain name) so there will be no Canadian satellite forum here.

That is not to say that services such as Starchoice and Expressvu can not be discussed in out General Satellite Area. Talk of forigen DBS services is not a taboo topic here. :) But again no dedicated forum for Canadian services.
If enough people talked about it then there probably would be a dedicated place for it but Canadian satellite is not discussed enough to have its own forum.
Here is a link that might help you.

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