Is Voom Still Having Trouble With Espn-hd?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Apr 19, 2004
I had to watch the late hockey game (Calgary and somebody) on Comcast hd or ESPN sd on VOOM. The espnhd channel on VOOM was a series of mosaics, tiling,blackness--all very interesting if I was on acid--but I was not on acid. I was on my recliner.Regardless of whether the game was in hd or not, I should be able to get the channel ALL THE FRELLING TIME!!. Of course I probably will never address the issue seeing as I have ESPNHD on Comcast as well-which is always rock solid.
I watched some of the 1st period of the Flyers Sunday game and noticed it would occasionally got black for about 2 seconds and come right back, but no psychodelic mosaics.

Starz-HD: Hollywood Homicide at 9pm tonight!

Preseason games coming to NFL Network

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