KUIL on smaller dish

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 16, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba
I was reading this thread about how a certain saavy FTA'er got KUIL (Fox Beaumont) to work on a DirecTV dish with a Ku LNB.

I have a friend who is a huge Cowboys fan and he doesn't always catch the games with his local cable service. I'm thinking to offer to put together a cheap system (no-name receiver and a small dish) just so he can get KUIL.

Any sense on how hard it was to point to get a decent signal? If I were to do this project, I'd like to get one of those 20" skewable dishes (I have one, but it's being used). If necessary, I could go to a bigger 24" dish because they are sometimes cheap.
KUIL doesn't always show the Cowboys but it would work :)

Couple ways to do it (depending on where he is located)

-Either a DirecTv Phase II or Phase III will work. Phase II has the removable LNB's and can be separated. I used a DMSI dual KU band LNB (looks like a DirecTV LNB) and put it right in the middle slot. Skewed like normal and voila....KUIL & 3ABN with a 22x20 dish (pictures below). A phase III you take out the LNB assembly and wedge the new LNB in there.
-A Dish 500. This is tricky as Dish uses "D" style LNB's and the DMSI ones are square

If you can find a 24" dish, that would work too. I've seen the older ExpressVu dishes (when they were KU) work just fine (SC dishes work too) :)

1st 2 pictures was a Phase II with LNB's at 91 (DBS for free audio before Evu scrambled it), AMC4 (middle) and Dish 110 (for subscription)
3rd & 4th was an old 18" I rigged up and got good results on G3


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Thanks :)

Both dont exist anymore...the 18" rig was just a test rig and the Phase II got taken down for a few reasons...mainly because ExpressVu scrambled the radio stations :(
Hey Iceberg, that is so cool. I didn't realize there's a type of LNB that would actually fit in the existing bracket for a DBS dish. Should make for a clean looking install (not that there's anything wrong with duct tape).

Being here in Canada, I figured I'd have a better go at finding a Bell dish but I'll do some searching for those Phase II/III dishes to see if I can find a deal. We live smack dead centre on 97W, so AMC4 shouldn't require any skewing to enhance the signal.

Even if the Cowboys aren't on, it's still an extra channel. Also it will likely have better post-game coverage of the game on the news even if it wasn't carried that week.

Thanks dude!
no problem :)

with 97 as TS 101 shuld be fine. I know with my Phase II I would get a 66-70 quality on the Fortec Classic
I see how you put AMC4 in the middle, but the original intention of the Phase II was for 101 and 119. Any possibility that you could move one of the outside LNB's into the middle and then mount AMC4 on one end?

That would bring in AMC4, plus the other unencrypted content from 110 and 119. That would be a bonus prize for my friend, but I have my doubts if the Ku LNB would still pull signal being off-centre like that.
I see how you put AMC4 in the middle, but the original intention of the Phase II was for 101 and 119.
correct. The middle slot had a plastic cap on it that was easily able to be popped out

Any possibility that you could move one of the outside LNB's into the middle and then mount AMC4 on one end?
you can try.

That would bring in AMC4, plus the other unencrypted content from 110 and 119. That would be a bonus prize for my friend, but I have my doubts if the Ku LNB would still pull signal being off-centre like that.
if you cant get 101 on the outside one, you could move it to middle, put the 110 LNB on the side and use zipties or a hoseclamp and put a LNB outside of the "w" adapter for 119

Here's what I mean. When 129 first was activated on Dish, I took a DBS LNB and just put it ot the side of the Dish500 I had and voila....129 :)


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Man, there's just not much that you have tried.

If I can track down a Phase II for cheap, I'll test the Ku side-mount and if it doesn't work then I'd probably just settle on 101 and 110.

Now if only the football season wasn't almost over, and it wasn't so cold outside :eek:
Man, there's just not much that you have tried.
nah. There's lot of goofy things to do out there

, and it wasn't so cold outside :eek:
no crap. Listening to Power97 (love that station) at work they said the Peg had WC of -30 out

tonight in Mpls we're suppose ot have our first below 0F night
That would bring in AMC4, plus the other unencrypted content from 110 and 119. That would be a bonus prize for my friend, but I have my doubts if the Ku LNB would still pull signal being off-centre like that.

Putting the Ku off center would most likely not work. Even on a larger dish, Ku is very sensitive and requires optimal positioning. But it would be a worthwhile experiment :)
no crap. Listening to Power97 (love that station) at work they said the Peg had WC of -30 out

tonight in Mpls we're suppose ot have our first below 0F night

No kidding, it's been pretty lousy recently, but this weekend things are really warming up (that is if you consider 30F warm). Perfect dish moving weather (if I have the time).
129 on Dish 500???

Dear Iceberg,

I just read your post...

you said: Here's what I mean. When 129 first was activated on Dish, I took a DBS LNB and just put it ot the side of the Dish500 I had and voila....129 :)[/quote]

I have DN subscription and use a Dish 500 antenna with the same legacy quad LNB as shown in your photo, I also have 2 legacy dual twins sitting around, it looks like you used one legacy dual LNB mounted on the side with a hoseclamp to pick up 129* as stated.....if I did the same as you have, could I pull in White Springs TV on 129*? using my Legacy Dish 500 Echostar receiver model 3700. Or should I ask, what can I get from 129*?

And if so, with my Dish 500 pointed at 110/119, will the piggyback LNB see 129*? will I need to re-tune the dish at all? I'm very interested in this concept!!!
129 on Dish 500???

One more thing Iceberg, did you use any additional switches to link the piggyback 129* LNB? I do have a spare SW21 and do have a SW64 not in use.

If I use the SW64, can I just run the 129 LNB to it as the 3rd sat? And what are the values/signals of the 2 outputs on the piggyback LNB? In other words, does that additional LNB see only the 129* and transmit the same signal on both outputs?
I have DN subscription and use a Dish 500 antenna with the same legacy quad LNB as shown in your photo, I also have 2 legacy dual twins sitting around, it looks like you used one legacy dual LNB mounted on the side with a hoseclamp to pick up 129* as stated.....if I did the same as you have, could I pull in White Springs TV on 129*? using my Legacy Dish 500 Echostar receiver model 3700. Or should I ask, what can I get from 129*?
no it wont get White Springs. Tried it last night on the Phase II and barely a signal (10 on the meter)

And if so, with my Dish 500 pointed at 110/119, will the piggyback LNB see 129*? will I need to re-tune the dish at all? I'm very interested in this concept!!!

yes the piggyback LNB will work :)
One more thing Iceberg, did you use any additional switches to link the piggyback 129* LNB? I do have a spare SW21 and do have a SW64 not in use.

If I use the SW64, can I just run the 129 LNB to it as the 3rd sat? And what are the values/signals of the 2 outputs on the piggyback LNB? In other words, does that additional LNB see only the 129* and transmit the same signal on both outputs?

depends on how many receivers you have. If you have more than 2 receivers, you can use the SW64 and all the recievers will see 110/119/129. Just redo a check switch.

If you have one or tow, just use a SW21 to combine the quad (110/119) with the dual (129). I only had one receiver so I just used a SW21 to combine them
sorry to disappoint

FTA with a linear LNB will get you this from 129ºW (whitesprings).
Assuming a proper LNB, dish, and receiver.
None of which you have.

However, 129º with a circular LNB, and a Dish receiver (what you have), will get you this.
They are on different frequencies.
Note also that the Dish 129º signals are mostly hi def, so you can't receive them on your Dish receiver.
And unless you are in one of the listed cities (and subscribing to locals), you won't get any of those local channels, either.
All you are likely to see, is a barker channel (slate) saying something like: Congratulations, you are getting the 129º satellite.

Lastly, some parts of the US don't get a very strong signal on 129º, so you might not even get it anyway.

However, it's still fun to do, and very educational. ;)
Please reply by conversation.

BSC621-2 and using "my" 4 LNB DiSEqC switch?

Albuquerque mux Channels on AMC4

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