Last and Next 3D Movie

Last: Adventures of Tintin. Very solid, excellent 3d. Movie itself was good.

Next: Probably UP. Loved the earlier copy which I saw on Blu-ray, but have never seen it in 3d.
Still no word on it though. No preorders, someone said it was taken off of Disney's site. HAven't been there myself to check.

Last: Polar Express 3D

Movie: 4.0 I enjoyed it, some of the train scenes were real fun (first time ever seeing the movie)
Video: 4.0 3D wasn't the best Ive seen, but there were a few times I thought I was on a roller coaster :)
Audio: 4.0 Not a demo track, but very good

Next: Three Musketeers 3D
Last: Three Musketeers 3D

Movie: 3.5 Not a lot of story, just good fun
Video: 4.5 I felt the 3D presentation looked excellent and very colorful
Audio: 5.0 I started out thinking it wasn't that impressive for voice clarity, but once the first big sword fight hit took off, and the last finale in the sky was over, I knew it was a winner.

Next: ???
Last: The Darkest Hour 3D

Fair movie. 3D was good. Looked good on the new Sharp. I did have to adjust the tint and color in 3D mode. It was way too warm.

John Carter 3D arrived on Tuesday. Wife and I enjoyed it. Had no idea what it was about other than to judge buy the cover art. I avoid reviews as I like to be surprised by my own first experience. I was pleasantly surprised that it was about an Edgar Rice Burroughs SF that I read when I was a teen. The Princess of Mars I believe. Anyway the movie was real fun and I'm glad I bought it. I will be watching this often and hope Disney makes a sequel.

PS Sequel not likely because I heard they lost money at the box office. Too bad. It is a good story that could be another Star Wars series.
John Carter lost a huge amount of money. I liked it in the theater. I'll probably watch that and Journey 2 this weekend. No movie tomorrow as I'll be in Monterey.

The projections I now read are based on initial box office at the opening. Disney is not saying yet. The after market DVD sales aren't in. I think Bob Iger could take zero salary for 9 days and make up the loss.

I see Journey 2 in 3D is at Blockbuster this week. They have a half dozen copies so I will probably watch it when the rental comes in.

Anyway, I got a second copy of JC from Amazon today. Have to see about sending it back. I don't believe I ordered it twice???
Last: Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

I liked it. Cheesy at points like the last, but enjoyable. A lot better than I thought it would be. 3D was great. Great depth, appropriate pop-out, and of course the mandatory cheesy effects.
