Letter from Dishnetwork

Yeah I just chatted with them online. They said it was free to change the dish to the new one. I tried to tell them I didn't think I could pick up the signal but its like talking to a brick wall. If my C band dish can barely pick up the satellite at 125 (I think it was called Galaxy 5) then I know a little dish ain't gonna pick up no 129. Its over the other side of the hill. lol oh well they will see when they arrive in January. lol
I live west of Lawton Okla and had my dish swapped out about a month ago. I was getting my HD from 61.5 on a dish 300 and the rest off of a dish 500. Since going to the new dish I have had no problems with HD off of 129. And now am getting all my signal from one dish.
I just got a letter in the mail saying that my local channels are moving to a new satellite location and that I will require a new dish. I currently have a Superdish. Anyone know what satellite the new Locals will be on? What model is this new Dish? It says its a free installation but has that "*" Restrictions may apply - ask for details? What are the details?

they will send a tech out and replace sd lnb to sd repoint kit, and point you in 129 location.. the reason it says restrictions may apply cause they will not install 1000.2 FOR FREE. or setup 129 as wing dish.
They are moving numerous locals. Dayton OH is on both 105' and 129' but are going to be removed from 105' eventually.
Is there a list published somewhere? I'm going to be screwed if they move Detroit locals. LOS issue because of trees.

Edit: And why move anything to 129? All I ever read about is problems with that sat. From what I've read, I'm surprised it hasn't burned up on re-entry yet.
they will send a tech out and replace sd lnb to sd repoint kit, and point you in 129 location.. the reason it says restrictions may apply cause they will not install 1000.2 FOR FREE. or setup 129 as wing dish.
It's gonna be pointless to change anything. I can't get the satellite. I tried to tell them. :rolleyes:
What exactly is on this satellite 129 that I can't get? Is this where all the HD channels are? Directv's satellites in the same general area? Guess I won't tear down my C-band after all. :(
We are moving locals to the 129 sat local to make room for more HD, all that is required for most customers is a free repoint
Why would they be moving customers off of 121 to make room for more HD? I thought they were going to devote 121 to either internationals or business customers?

they are moving all the internationsl out of 121 to 118. and all the locals from 121 to 129, to make room for charlies IPTV. well thast the rumors.
they are moving all the internationsl out of 121 to 118. and all the locals from 121 to 129, to make room for charlies IPTV. well thast the rumors.
The press release mentioned something about the IPTV satellites being powerful. Powerful isn't something that 121 (or 105) qualifies for.
The press release mentioned something about the IPTV satellites being powerful. Powerful isn't something that 121 (or 105) qualifies for.

i am not too deep into satellite diffrence. but we all know that 121 is FSS satellite that mean low power. but if you use 1 big ass dish you will get good signal.
they will send a tech out and replace sd lnb to sd repoint kit, and point you in 129 location.. the reason it says restrictions may apply cause they will not install 1000.2 FOR FREE. or setup 129 as wing dish.

Thats BS 129 is a B@#tch to get!! Some people will need a 500 and a 300 somewhere else to even get 129!! I have to do this at my house because of trees!!
over kill

I kinda say this tongue in cheek, but if you have low signal on that 129º beast, and are willing to give Charlie the finger, here's a solution:
McGuyver and his $50 deal on AzsureShine 36" @ 3ABN:
Basically, you get the dish and aim it, put your existing spare DishPro LNB on it (hope ya have one)
You can locate the dish to clear any trees.
Even the signal-sufferers in the US North West will get the 129º bird!

Yea, a 24" might work, but I don't know where to get a 24" dish this cheaply, delivered.

Of course, if yer an appliance operator and not a DIY person, please ignore this suggestion.

happy holidays,

= SantAnole =

Please Read: Uplink Report Update by Scott

DISH to FCC HD Locals Cost too much

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