Local Channel Mapping on 811


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Nov 13, 2003
New York City
On my 811, my sat delivered locals do not map to local channels like any other receivers. I understand from reading here that this may be 'by design' to support OTA broadcasts.

I do not even have an antenna attached, so is it possible to have it remap my locals? Maybe a setting in the Setup menus?? It is driving my wife nuts that she can't find our local channels on the 811.
I think that this is a complaint that has been aired by a majority of 811 owners. I for one, agree with you. I'm in the Phoenix area and only two of my digital channels properly map to their better known analog channel number. All the others show up in the guide displaying just their digital number.

As a side note to this is if I'm watching any other channel, OTA or satellite, the recall button will work. The exception to this is if I tune to either of the channels that properly map. If I go from another channel, OTA or satellite, to one of those channels then push the 'Recall' button, it doesn’t go back. It stays on that channel.

I guess E* still has a bunch of work to do. I will admit that the HD picture when watching OTA channels is great. I didn't subscribe to the HD package but did get it for one night. The HDNet channels didn't impress me that much so I'll wait for E* to get more channels before I'll reconsider adding it.
I think what sinnfein07 meant was that the satellite delivered locals are not mapping to the real channel number. Such as channel 8550 mapping to channel 2. The model 6000 did not do this either and it is because of the OTA feature of both receivers.

As to hemway's problem it is really confusing why some are having this problem and some aren't. Luckily all of mine are mapping correctly. I wonder if this has something to do with the local station not being fully compliant. When I had this problem once with the model 6000 it was when the locally CBS affiliate had screwed something up.
volfan615, thanks - you answered my question. I have to say that I think that is a pretty dumb design decision. There should be a setup menu switch to allow LIL mapping to be enabled if you don't use an external antenna (which I don't).

As is, with this it seems that on two of our TVs our locals are channel 3,5,xx,... while on the 811 they are channel 8XXX. Pretty lame, and I know it is driving my wife crazy.
If you do not have an external antenna, why not buy a 301 for you locals. The 811 does what it does for a reason. It is a HD receiver.
jerryez, I'm at a bit of a loss to understand your point. I receive my locals via Dish (I have no way of receiving them via OTA - white area). I have the 811 hooked up to my HDTV for the Dish HD channels but that doesn't mean we don't watch locals on the HDTV.

S video. Will that bring both 110 and 119 at the same time?

Pricing of distant locals

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