LPB gone or is it on my end?

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It's coming in fine, and the the signal is very hot!! right now it's 85 %, but then again on some other days you can barly get the signal at 15 to 35 % and bounce around like crazy but my good old SatHawk receiver manage to hold on the crazy signal!:)
Yeah coming in here great right now.
I normally have to struggle just to receive it. Tonight, it is the strongest I've ever seen with SQ bouncing as high as 35% which for DVB-S2 on this S9 is booming. Lots of stuff on SES 2 in general tonight. Do a blind scan.
I watch Nightly Business Report daily and it was up yesterday but the station has been down for limited periods of time in the last few days. Have my fingers crossed that its just technical issues and they are not going the way of NET.
Yep gone here too. Everything else on the bird is booming in.
I thought the problem was from my dish cos the pole was moving a little bit. Well, at least I know the reason why it went away. I will try and rescan mine when I get home tomorrow morning.
back here too hope it stays now.
Back up again. While it was gone, it was replaced with 11808 H 4321 (but regular DVB-S) and a channel scanning in as KVHP, which was showing a concert.

Interesting.... another uplinker using the wrong frequency and bumping LPBS off? Helloooooooo Captain Midnight!
Well, LPB is on here for me all of the three channels. It went away last week. But, when i re-scanned I got it again. The quality is not that high around 49 quality and fluctuate as low as 23. Today I re-match scanned and the CNN newsource HD feed can now be viewed but, no program yet. Before it was blank but can hear a program going on last week. I still needs to adjust my dish to get more quality. I don't have much time cos i have to work.
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