Merry Christmas From Dish Network

This was kind of a present. I got a letter the other day from Dish saying that the Cinemax for a penny deal was expiring and my Cinemax would be cancelled. I figured no big deal I've gotten it for 2 years for .02. Then today I look at my online bill and see another .01 charged for Cinemax. I did an online chat and found out that it was renewed for another year. That's a pretty good present.
I am going to go to Israel and start telling them they can't say Happy Hanukkah because it's politically incorrect. If someone complains about anything like this then they need to gtfo. :D
Seems like more people here are complaining about the nonexistent people who are offended than the actual people who are offended.

It's a nice ad! Good grief!

Merry Christmas!!!
I hope I wasn't! I thought it was a nice little spot! It actually made me not mind giving Dish $140 a month! Glad to see some people out there still have a heart! I hope we see it on national tv.
I'm kinda surprised (and impressed) that it's not a neutral "Happy Holidays" ad... :up

Given the fact there are 10 Federal Holidays per year, I always want to ask to which holiday are you referring when you say, "Happy Holidays"? Since its plural, maybe folks mean, "Happy New Year's, Martin Luther King, Jr, Washington, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas".

...just sayin'.
O'Reiiley gave them "patriot" status in the "patriots and pinheads" segment for celebrating the holiday the way it should be. Showed the ad. Good ad.

Seems like more people here are complaining about the nonexistent people who are offended than the actual people who are offended.

It's a nice ad! Good grief!

Merry Christmas!!!

I agree. It seems there are some companies (and people too) that will go through great lengths to avoid saying the word “Christmas” even though it’s a Federal holiday and so named. They even contrive some of the most preposterous explanations for avoiding saying Christmas. Are they attempting to avoid offending someone? I think not since they apparently have no problem potentially offending the Christian majority in this country.