MLB 2k7


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Jan 31, 2006
So i was looking at and i see that 2K is coming out with a MLB 2k7 for the 360. We all know how big of a flop last years addition was but after reading about this years game it sounds promising.

2k hired some guy who worked at EA and he totally redesigned the gameplay and the graphics. So now if I can get through more than 5 innings without the game freezing it might be a good game.
2k6 was plagued with bugs. It would piss me off so bad when I would be pitching a no hitter or had hit a ton of HRs in a game and every time without fail it would freeze sometime after the 5th inning. Every freaking time. Luckily I rented it and didn't buy it. Since they are pretty much the only game in town lets hope its good.
I just thought that was 2k's form of a rain out :)

I love the game - but really HATED 2k6 MLB due to the freezing, they never did really fix it.

If I recall, there's no choice but to get this, doesn't 2k have exclusivity?
I just thought that was 2k's form of a rain out :)

I love the game - but really HATED 2k6 MLB due to the freezing, they never did really fix it.

If I recall, there's no choice but to get this, doesn't 2k have exclusivity?

Yes they have MLB exclusive rights.
Yes they have MLB exclusive rights.

Being an MVP 2005 player for the PC, and really from the triple play days.
Us PC gamers really took it from everyone, because now there is no new games on the PC, and probably never will be again.

MVP was the best series for the Console hands down..Until EA gets(if they ever do again) the rights again, I will believe it when I see it as far as 2K sports.

They Absolutely suck at baseball games.
Probably explains why they haven't make the last xbox version of MVP playable on the 360? 2K sucks at baseball games. Let's hope this year's is better. If not, I'll continue to play MVP on my son's xbox.
That's what I want, MVP 2005 on the compatibility list for 360. My old Xbox died, but I'm holding onto that game in hopes that it happens. I'm actually more of a 2K guy on most sport games, just not baseball.
Yeah that is about the only good sports game that EA makes was baseball.
Yeah that is about the only good sports game that EA makes was baseball.

I agree. Don't play much football. For hockey it's 2K7. Waiting on the Winning Eleven series on the 360 for soccer.
2k hired some guy who worked at EA and he totally redesigned the gameplay and the graphics.

Yeah, that guy is the former project manager/lead developer for MVP (when they still had the MLB license).

I had "The Show" last year for PS2 and it was decent but it didn't live up to MVP standards.

I'm looking forward to 2k7 for PS3, it looks good.
I like the shot of the Astro's outfielder about to catch the ball, it shows the stadium full! When is the last time you saw a full stadium outside of the playoffs?

btw enjoy MLB 2K7, with DirecTV taking over MLB EI part of the deal is you can only get MLB 2k8 as a DirecTV subscriber.

Just kidding about the Direc thing, GOTCHA!
Just came out today, anyone picked it up yet? I downloaded the demo, but haven't spent much time with it yet. It seemed much better than what I remember 2k6 being though.
I got it for PS3 and I love the graphics, plus the gameplay is right where it should be, I have only played 1 game so far, but it is leaps and bounds ahead of 2k6
So what's the verdict on 2K7 on the 360? Demo looks good. Never played 2K6, so I can't compare. To me, if the MVP series came to the 360 platform I think EA could make a better baseball game.
i got it yesterday and its pretty sweet, the graphics are great and watching the players and pitchers in between pitches is amazing they all do their own special real life routine.
Well, I have spent some time with the demo now, and I am definitely picking this game up. This looks like the game I was hoping for last year.

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