MLB Extra Innings Coming to DISH!

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
MLB Extra Innings Coming to DISH!?

I am receiving word from a few contacts that Dish has signed an agreement for MLB Extra innings, and that the MLB Channels will be uplinked later today!

This is not 100% verified yet, but I have this from two seperate sources!
Can't wait 'til you change the question mark to an exclamation point !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darkman over at confirmed the channels are uplinked in the 620's! The channel numbers are "MLB..." and program info says "MLB Extra Innings"! Looks like it's coming! :yes
Back in September I attended the Dish Retailers Conference in Baltimore.

If you are a pub member you probably seen my writeup on this event.

In it I mentioned the following...
Michael then says he has some good news about MLB, but he can't say what that good news is. (You can read between the lines there, Michael let out a huge grin when he said this.

That was on September 24, 2003. (Just shortly after SatelliteGuys.US went online!)

In remembering back Michael actually talked for awhile about MLB and again his indication back then was MLB would indeed be on Dish this season.

If this is true (and I now have a 3rd source telling me its true and that the channels are up in test mode) the Dish will have a lot of happy campers. (And even more happy campers when the Viacoms are back!)
Chris Walker said:
Darkman over at confirmed the channels are uplinked in the 620's! The channel numbers are "MLB..." and program info says "MLB Extra Innings"! Looks like it's coming! :yes
Darkman has one of those "special boxes" because he's Canadian. :) I would trust what Darkman is reporting. So now that makes 4 people confirming the info I got. ;)
Scott Greczkowski said:
Darkman has one of those "special boxes" because he's Canadian. :) I would trust what Darkman is reporting. So now that makes 4 people confirming the info I got. ;)

JohnH just confirmed it as well, and both he and Darkman are always reliable sources.
A hacker Friend of mine just called and told me that the channels are there:)

YES!! Now I wonder how much it will cost ?
I wonder if any of the games will be broadcast in HD. THat would be sweet. I am definately buying as soon as I can.
lonewolfe said:
I wonder if any of the games will be broadcast in HD. THat would be sweet. I am definately buying as soon as I can.

You and me both. Do any of the other packages (NHL, NBA) show up in HD?
How does Blackout work with this... can I get Red Sox games in Delaware? Or will they be blacked out, forcing me to watch the Orioles and Yankees and ESPN. I catch about 1/3 of the games there anyway....

Dish MLB Extra Innings Schedule

266 just received fixed 49%!!!

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