More coming to ITVN

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Fabian over at the ITVN Forums has made mention that suprises are coming soon to ITVN.

Here is his post
Actually it's not out completely just *yet* but rumor has it we have signed licensing agreements with (1) a MAJOR Hollywood movie studio, (2) a highly anticipated sports channel, and (3) a variety of "Live TV" channels. Being we're a public company I'm somewhat limited on providing official details until the press release goes out. Keep your eyes peeled for news on "1" coming this Thursday and "2 & 3" sometime next week!

I know this news is somewhat vague so here's another "you heard it here first" announcement ... Soon we'll be releasing "Free 3 day trials" to all our networks for current subscribers. This means if you're already an ITVN subscriber you'll be able to trial any of our networks (i.e. Entertainment Plus, Late Night, etc.) for 3 days at ZERO cost. Look for this addition on this coming Monday!

Looks like some cool things are coming to ITVN soon. For more information on V please CLICK HERE. (All subscriptions this link help support SatelliteGuys!)
Any word on if the XTV product will ever get a price reduction? It really should be around the $15 - 19 per month range at best for what is offered AND if they want those users to be more willing to add any other services. Also, at the a' la carte pricing it seems rather high; are there any "packages of offerings" that offer a broad range of video at a discounted price?
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Why would XTV be reduced? I get over 175 adult channels for the cost of 1 Adult Channel on Dish Network.

As far as the rest of the service going, I would like to see the music and Karaoke packages together instead of payuing for each service.
Most of it is super repetitive and just the number of channels doesn't mean much, It needs more quality, newer films and far less ancient flicks repeating every few hours.

If I had to choose 175 coins I would rather have 175 quarters as opposed to 175 pennies. So just having a number is not the total equation; its about real value. I would rather they had 75 channels of much better quality and no repeats in a 24 hr period.
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Seems like they got so many channels because they are rotating 175 different shows at one time so that you have a huge variety. If they changed them all once a month that would still be like having 6 different shows available per day. Its better to have repeats on 175 channels than 1 channel.
This is great news. I've been considering cancelling part of my package as the Entertainment plus package is a waste of my money. I enjoy starz/encore but Mavtv sucks to be frank. Any idea if any sort of news channel will be coming? Also, how about some NHL? :)

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