Moving to directv form dish

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 30, 2006
I own all my dish equipment and installed myself.
Can I do same with directv, I refuse contracts.
I own all my dish equipment and installed myself.
Can I do same with directv, I refuse contracts.

Well, if you refuse contracts, you may as well stop right there.

As soon as you activate a recvr your in a commitment.

Yes, you can buy your own equipment, but WHY you would do this is beyond me, D* pays for the correct dish, typically a Slimline with SWM in most cases ....

You may be able to BUY your equipment from D*, I don't know anymore, it's kinda useless with technology changing so fast now.

D* has done the "Lease" thing since '06, they took the idea from DISH who had already been doing it.

Is your intention to jump providers every 6 months ?
If so, go with cable, some of them don't put you in a commitment, but you'll generally pay more monthly for that privilege.

Dish and D* have commitments.

Of course you have been here since '06, so you already know what I've mentioned.
Exactly Jimbo. tansu, if you already have an account, you can add an owned box with no additional commitment, but any new customer gets a commitment.
also in the Dish thread you said you were leaving them because you have no LOS for 118.7 for TVJapan...Directv doesnt carry TVJapan
I see these kinds of questions come up now and then and I still can't figure out how buying and doing a self-install makes any sense these days. Assuming you get Direct with a contract, you either can pay $480 to cancel in the first month of your contract or pay for the subscriptions for the 2 years. But the minimum out of your pocket on a contract is $480.

Is it actually possible to buy a couple of the current HRs and all the other hardware for something significantly lower than $480? I wouldn't think so.
and even if you somehow buy used equipment Directv wont activate used equipment on a brand new account
I didn't think Direct allowed any actual purchase of brand new gear, so what gear would you buy? I didn't know that D* was that restrictive, although I guess if I had even slightly thought about doing a DIY install I could have found that out.

thanks, Iceberg
Well, if you refuse contracts, you may as well stop right there.

As soon as you activate a recvr your in a commitment.

Yes, you can buy your own equipment, but WHY you would do this is beyond me, D* pays for the correct dish, typically a Slimline with SWM in most cases ....

You may be able to BUY your equipment from D*, I don't know anymore, it's kinda useless with technology changing so fast now.

D* has done the "Lease" thing since '06, they took the idea from DISH who had already been doing it.

Is your intention to jump providers every 6 months ?
If so, go with cable, some of them don't put you in a commitment, but you'll generally pay more monthly for that privilege.

Dish and D* have commitments.

Of course you have been here since '06, so you already know what I've mentioned.


To each his own on the contact issues. I've been out of contract since Oct '10. I remember thinking about the contract issue as well. Before I knew it, the time passed. Same with my cellphone contract. Time flies for me, I guess
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