No. Moxie will not go down that road as it would be too expensive with insufficient returns. Similar reasons why TiVo did not make their Series 3 HD boxes compatible with satellite: too expensive. TiVo kept the OTA option (analog and digital) because they were already getting monthly fees (billing system up and running) to pay for the high quality, in-depth guide data from Tribune Media, and TiVo was already established with OTA users who expected such a feature in the Series 3 boxes. The quality of the free PSIP data varies by DMA/Markert and, in some cities, is quite unreliable for consistently reliable DVR recordings, as some DTVPal DVR by Dish Network users in some cities have experienced.
No, current models of Moxie are not capable of receiving OTA digital broadcast channels. The DTVPal DVR by Dish Network only receives digital OTA and digital OTA High Definition, but, ASFAIK, does not use Name Based Recording, but instead uses hard times only, like the old 501's before they were made capable of NBR. It is, however, free of any monthly charges.
I should add that Moxie will work with FiOS. This is because once FiOS reaches your home, it is then distributed with coaxial cable throughout your house using the CableLabs specification. In other words, once FiOS reaches your home, it becomes cable TV just like your local cable co.
The current Moxie HD product, which I do like as an alternative to TiVo with no monthly charges, isn't for everyone and has some very important caveats:
1. The Moxie HD DVR will receive digital cable channels ONLY, no analog cable and, of course, no digital OTA. However, you can purchase for $129 an external device that will allow Moxie HD to record only ONE analog cable channel, but really, after spending big $$$ for the box in the first place, let's just agree to a "No, Moxie doesn't support analog cable." If one needs the analog cable and digital OTA right out of the box (recording 2 analog cable channels), then TiVo HD, HDXL is it.
2. The new Moxie HD 3 tuner model--a beautiful idea costing a lot of extra money-- will, in some cable systems, only be able to use 2 of its 3 tuners if a cable system is using SDV and the concomitant SDV adapter.
3. The preference of TiVo or Moxie is going to be extremely subjective as each has its advantages and disadvantages which some consider very significant, when compared, but the Moxie does have all of its GUI in High-Def, and quite a lot of people are swayed by that and its superior Multi-room viewing solution.
If Moxie had offered a digital OTA, I would have gotten that instead of my TiVo Series 3. This means that it really is pretty much only TiVo with the sophisticated digital OTA option as I find DTVPal DVR by Dish Network's lack of Name Based Recording to be, to me, unacceptable, although many users of that product are satisfied with that compromise.