Multi-switch Installation


Original poster
Jan 26, 2004
I have a DirecTv tri-lnb oval HD dish that was originally set up for 4 rooms.

I recently added Tivo and was told that I'd need to add a 5x8 multiswitch for the 5th reciever (the tivo). I got a Terk 58, wired the 4 feeds into the input sources on the switch, connected the power input, and the outputs, but all I get then on the recievers is that it can't find the satellite. I even tried to add a diplexer before the reciever (which it wouldn't seem like you'd need since I don't have OTA connected) and it didn't help.

The documentation on the Terk isn't great, but this is generally how it says to hook it up. Am I connecting something wrong here, or do I have a bad switch?
You will need a cascadable multiswitch or it won't work. I do not know if the TERk 58 is capable of that. A cascadable switch is one that is capable of passing a 22 Khz tone. You can find one here

You also dont need a 5 input switch unless you are going to add OTA....

I looked on terks website the BMS-58 is a cascadable switch. Is this what you have? Info available here
silversurfer01973 said:
You will need a cascadable multiswitch or it won't work. I do not know if the TERk 58 is capable of that. A cascadable switch is one that is capable of passing a 22 Khz tone. You can find one here

You also dont need a 5 input switch unless you are going to add OTA....

I looked on terks website the BMS-58 is a cascadable switch. Is this what you have? Info available here

It is the BMS-58. I don't see in the documentation that it matters which lines go into which switch inputs, so I'm wondering if I just got shipped a bad unit, or if it shorted out...I saw on other literature (not Terk's) that all inputs and outputs should be connected before connecting the power source, which I didn't do.

I spoke with Terk; apparently the switch is bad. According to them, it should be extremely hot to the touch (which I found a little odd, but OK...) and this one's just cool, so evidently it's bad. Seller's sending a new one, so we'll see.

Thanks for the input.

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