DirecTV Phase III headache


Original poster
Jan 21, 2004
Ok. So. I ordered a Phase III dish from eBay to replace my free Phase I dish that was installed a week ago. Ok, so I followed all the directions perfectly, but I am having some issues trying to pick up Sat B and C. Sat A comes in at 97%, but nothing from the other two. I have the tilt and elevation set to what the receiver told me, but the azimuth is quite a bit different than what the receiver told me (my compass says 160 degrees, but the reciever said it should be 233.9). When I point to 233.9, I get no signal for all three. I haven't even been able to get a signal at all for any satellite other than A. Any ideas?

Nevermind. Turns out, even though I told my Samsung receiver that I now had a Phase III dish, it didn't truly believe it. I told it to do auto detection and it said it was a 3 LNB (before it said it was a 1) and now all satellites are showing up like they should. Woo Hoo! :)


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