Navigator Problems-November 09


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Original poster
Nov 16, 2009
Seminole, FL
The new Navigator upgrade apparently does not allow users to set a fixed output resolution.
It apparently defaults to NATIVE resolution for each channel- despite the
The SARA system allowed setting a fixed resolution.
Now Fox and ABC HD channels, as well as many others, now reset to 720p resolution.
Since i only watch HD programming it means my STB & TV's must take time to do switching
to accept resolution changes between 720p and 1080i ( which I prefer ).
Worse yet it, means that 1/2 of my available HD programming results in banding
problems when using my video processor and CRT projector setup.
i have sent a message to Brighthouse asking if a fix is in the works.
At least my external esata drives still work, and I like the new look.
Any comments out there?
Update to my post
I solved my problem with output resolution by trying every available listed
resolution repeatedly. I can't offer a specific order of events, but after trying
480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i and the A and B buttons, I luckily managed
to lock one 8300HD to 1080i output resolution,
I then tried the same haphazard technique w/ my second unit and it worked.

Brighthouse customer care sent me an email where the writer said the following:
"The aspect ratio can not be locked onto to 1080i, since some of the
programs are not all broadcast in 1080i. The aspect ratio of a TV
program is set by the broadcaster. In the settings of the cable box you
can only have the 1080i checked, however, if a program is not being
broadcast in 1080i you will not recieve a picture. "

I guess this means we have to find our own fixes when the "help' does not
understand the question, the terminology, and fails to spell check.
The guy who emailed you is an idiot. You can lock the box on 1080I and if the program is not 1080I it will still come through fine. By having only one selected your tv and box will not tkae a year to change channels because of changing signal types.

Its real simple to lock it on a output. In the settings where u see the 480 720 1080 etc just make sure 1080I is the only one with a dot next to it. Use the select buttun on the remote to turn on or off a output.
The guy who emailed you is an idiot. You can lock the box on 1080I and if the program is not 1080I it will still come through fine. By having only one selected your tv and box will not tkae a year to change channels because of changing signal types.

Its real simple to lock it on a output. In the settings where u see the 480 720 1080 etc just make sure 1080I is the only one with a dot next to it. Use the select buttun on the remote to turn on or off a output.

You can lock the box on 1080I and if the program is not 1080I it will still come through fine. By having only one selected your tv and box will not take a year to change channels because of changing signal types.

Its real simple to lock it on a output. In the settings where u see the 480 720 1080 etc just make sure 1080I is the only one with a dot next to it. Use the select button on the remote to turn on or off a output.

A simple and elegant solution & explanation!
I must have been plagued by multiple dots...
This is good to know as Pasco BH is due the new Nav. any day I was told. I am very happy with the current guide but that is me. I am just hoping my way to use it still is an option. I prefer a number/channel sequence most of the time. Easy for me to memorize.
There is no 720i.. Its only P and, what you read is wrong. It also depends on the cable system. With BHN They will send up to 1080i if the broadcaster sends it to us. BHN Does not down convert anything, whatever is sent they sent out. (compressed in some cases however) They do not support 1080p yet at this time. Both hardware does not allow it (the hardware they currently use) and the bandwidth demand is greatly increased. Also note the broadcasters who use 1080p is so far and few between that its currently not a major advantage to offer it.

Dish I think does offer it only on their "On-Demand" (wait-and-demand) service. Which basicaclly simple downloads the blu ray of the movie your watching on your DVR then you watch it from there.
Thanks for that explanation.

What netwoks send you 1080i, and is there any way to get a feel for which and how much) content is in that format? i.e., is it one show per week, "lots" of stuff, etc?

What are the pros and cons of setting the STB to 720p vs 1080i, and to 1080i vs 720p?

If set to 1080i, is anything slower (such as channel changing or whatever) when the programming (apparently most stuff) is lower than that?

Is there any effect on quality when the box has to upconvert or downconvert? And since any 1080i feed is compressed anyway, is the video quality on the screen really any better if the box is set to 1080i than if it were set to 720p?
Repeating, to seek an answer...

What netwoks send you 1080i, and is there any way to get a feel for which and how much) content is in that format? i.e., is it one show per week, "lots" of stuff, etc?

What are the pros and cons of setting the STB to 720p vs 1080i, and to 1080i vs 720p?

If set to 1080i, is anything slower [does anything happen slower] (such as channel changing or whatever) when the programming (apparently most stuff) is lower than that?

Is there any effect on quality when the box has to upconvert or downconvert? And since any 1080i feed is compressed anyway, is the video quality on the screen really any better if the box is set to 1080i than if it were set to 720p?
What netwoks send you 1080i, and is there any way to get a feel for which and how much) content is in that format? i.e., is it one show per week, "lots" of stuff, etc?

No Idea. It also depends on the program I think as well. I think somewhere on this site they may list which shows are what format. If not I am sure its somewhere on the web. I have no idea.

What are the pros and cons of setting the STB to 720p vs 1080i, and to 1080i vs 720p?

Well 720p is better picture quality then 1080i. (Interlace vs Progressive) so I prefer keeping it on 720 so when the show is in 720 at least I am getting the best picture.

If set to 1080i, is anything slower [does anything happen slower] (such as channel changing or whatever) when the programming (apparently most stuff) is lower than that?

Not Noticeable.

Is there any effect on quality when the box has to upconvert or downconvert? And since any 1080i feed is compressed anyway, is the video quality on the screen really any better if the box is set to 1080i than if it were set to 720p?

Again 720 is better then 1080i dont let the numbers fool ya. and No noticeable difference when its downconverter/upconverter at least not noticeable vs having box set to 1080i vs 720. In my opinion.
If your in the guide and you have your program highlighted click the "info" button to bring up more info. usually at the very end of the description you will see the "HD" icon (sometimes its in the front also)
That is helpful, but having to 'drill down' on each entry individually is a bummer. Sometimes, you are scanning the guide screen looking only for the HD channels. It would be immensely useful if the indicator was visible on the guide-screen.

Also, it is infuriating to select an HD channel and find the programming is SD--which happens A LOT! Do these channels get counted in the HD channel count marketing numbers that are published? If so, it is misleading.

Here's an idea--how about a function in the guide that would filter it to show only the HD channels?
That is helpful, but having to 'drill down' on each entry individually is a bummer. Sometimes, you are scanning the guide screen looking only for the HD channels. It would be immensely useful if the indicator was visible on the guide-screen.

Also, it is infuriating to select an HD channel and find the programming is SD--which happens A LOT! Do these channels get counted in the HD channel count marketing numbers that are published? If so, it is misleading.

Here's an idea--how about a function in the guide that would filter it to show only the HD channels?
I mark all the HD channels as favorites and have the navigator sort the favorites first. Since my "Power On Channel" is Fox News it drops me right into the HD sections right away.
Also, I do not favorite all the wmfe variations and channels I don't receive.
I think he means "HD Programs" Not HD Channels. Maybe I am wrong.
Good point, but because "HD channels" are often feeding SD programs (as I mentioned), it is hard to talk one or the other exclusively.

Basically, I am talking about, while looking at the guide, to be able to easily identify channels currently and "futurely" running HD programs.

The idea you mention of putting all HD channels (again I emphasize--which often are NOT pumping out HD programming) into the Favorites would help some, but I don't really want all those cluttering my FAVs list.

A really neat idea would be to have multiple named fav lists. I could put channels that are ALWAYS HD in one, channels that are SOMETIMES HD in another, and SD favs in a third.

Maybe a symbol/color in the ch list that would appear when the selected program (time) in the right panel is/will be HD, and on those ch that have some HD, some SD, the symbol/color should also be in the right panel by all the HD programs.
There are so few channels that are "always" hd its not even funny. No network is hd always. Mainly the ones that typically are always HD (at least the majority of the time) are your premium channels (those mainly convert everything to HD format) channels like say MGM HD, etc. ESPN HD does a good job having a majority of HD programing. I am sure there are a few more.
Here's another way to say what I have been inadequately writing...

I walk to TV and open the guide.

I want, of all the HD programming on right now or in the next 1/2 hour, to pick the one, by title, to settle into, i.e., scan through all the HD's on or coming up, and select the most appealing one.

I can't do that right now. There is NO WAY in the guide to tell if a given program title is HD or SD.
I know exactly what your saying and itd be neat if they could maybe "highlight" programs that are in HD. Its possible I think, since they already designate which is HD from the "more info" screen.

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