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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 9, 2007
Erie, Pa
today Versus became NBCSPORTS network, if you look the banner they have for it say its on channel (501)
The issue is the channel is 603 ;)

One of my R22's the banner says 501, one says 603.....weird
Here is from the weirdness zone

R22 in the living room with CE version 596....shows channel 603 in the banner
R22 in the computer room with SD GUI...shows 501 in the banner
no banner on H23


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its just a brand change; I suspect everything basically will stay the same moving forward or maybe get better
Also, what about the overflow channels VS currently have, is NBC just taking them over as well, or are they being shut off ?

most likely just taking them over. NBC plans on showing every NHL playoff game this year so i would assume they will be needing those channels
whats up these banners? tonight i seen one for showtime free weekend and it said turn to CH. 501
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