Need additional rcvr install help....


Original poster
Dec 21, 2003
I called dish today to get my local channels over dish. I also would like to add 2 or 3 (for a total of 4-5) more receivers while they are here doing the install anyway. I currently have two receivers, an 811 and 311, and dish 500. All was installed exceptionally well last February. Anyway, to make a long story short, the rep told us they could install the superdish, but the extra receiver installations, well, "you're on your own".

I can run the cable, but I'm not sure what additional items are needed to make this work, once they install the superdish. I wanted it all done at the same time, but it doesn't look like that will happen. "It's more than 1 work order", I was told by dish. I may still consider getting my locals and letting them install the superdish, what I need help with is what else I need to purchase, and maybe a link to a diagram to get this all working.

Thank - Don
When they come to install your Superdish They will need to add a 34-switch, that will give you the capability of adding two receievers if they are X11 recievers. If you can run the lines buy them and install yourself. If you want to wait a bit, wait till the Superdish is installed and the call back and add the additional receivers. You may want to check into a 322 or 522 dual tuner and save the additional outlet fee. Funny that they will make two trips instead of one, but what the heck, it doesn't cost you anything for them to do that.