Need Antenna Help


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 30, 2005
I have an antenna already installed at my house (see attachment). It has not been working very well lately. I adjusted it probably 4 or 5 times saturday while trying to watch football. I just couldn't make myself watch it in sd so I just dealt with the signal dropping out every few minutes. I do have some tall pine trees close to my house but I'm not that far from my local stations. Here is my AntennaWeb report AntennaWeb. I don't care about 51.1 since it is not hd anyway. I really just want the first 2 digital channels, 28.1 and 20.1. I found an antenna at the RatShack and was wondering if yall thought it might work better. Here is a link the that antenna Rat Shack. I've got to do something because I can't watch my locals like this much longer. If anybody has any other suggestions, I would appreciate it.


Edit: the antennaweb link didn't work so I'll just paste my results.

red - uhf WGFL 53 CBS HIGH SPRINGS FL 92° 16.7 53
* red - uhf WGFL-DT 28.1 CBS HIGH SPRINGS FL 92° 16.7 28
red - uhf WOGX 51 FOX OCALA FL 124° 36.3 51
red - uhf WCJB 20 ABC GAINESVILLE FL 106° 27.7 20
* red - uhf WCJB-DT 20.1 ABC GAINESVILLE FL 106° 27.7 16
red - vhf WUFT 5 PBS GAINESVILLE FL 81° 28.1 5
* red - uhf WUFT-DT 36.1 PBS GAINESVILLE FL 81° 28.1 36
* blue - uhf WOGX-DT 51.1 FOX OCALA FL 124° 36.3 31
blue - uhf WGEC-LP 33 FMN CHIEFLAND FL 169° 10.7 33
blue - uhf WBXG-CA 31 BOX GAINESVILLE FL 90° 26.0 31
violet - uhf W69AY 69 REL ALACHUA, ETC. FL 89° 33.1 69
violet - uhf WYPN-CA 14 IND G


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The Radio Shack antenna is okay, but most of your channels are UHF. You might want to consider a UHF only antenna. You would be getting more antenna for your money.

You mentioned that your current antenna has not been working well lately. Is there any chance that your antenna cable has deteriorated? If it's twin lead it is especially susceptible to failure as it ages. Coax could have some problems as well. You may want to check the connectors on both ends for being secured and clean. Unless your current antenna is damaged the cable is the most likely suspect for a decrease in performance.

I had a problem with pines with my antenna. Very strong signals came through fine, but weaker signals disappeared when the antenna was pointing to them. A rotor would help you maximize your number of stations.
The ant you have now is UHF, your problem is one station is 92deg and one is 109 deg from you.
All of you stations are UHF but the PBS one
I would try a CM 4228 and a rotor, then you can point to the station you want with an ant with more gain than you have now
The best UHF antennas are probably the Antennas Direct 91XG and the CM4228. The 91XG seems to have better performance but it's very directional (the two tend to be linked - narrower beamwidth equals more gain). The CM4228 has a wider beamwidth so you can cover a greater angle without a rotator.
The 91XG from memory is about 8ft long. The CM4228 is a flat vertical panel about 4ft square.
The CM4228 has a fairly high wind resistance so needs a heavier-duty rotator than the 91xg.
I should have mentioned, the 91XG you need to order from Antennas Direct. The CM4228 can occasionally be found locally but most people buy online from or warren electronics.
oljim said:
The ant you have now is UHF, your problem is one station is 92deg and one is 109 deg from you.
All of you stations are UHF but the PBS one
I would try a CM 4228 and a rotor, then you can point to the station you want with an ant with more gain than you have now

My antennaweb report says one is at 92 and one at 106. The 4228 says it has a beam width of 15 degrees, and my 2 channels I want are 14 degrees apart. I just called a local installer and asked about the 4228 and they said the only one they have in is the 4280, but I can't seem to find any info on this antenna. Does anyone know anything about the 4280 or where I can find info on it? I checked the channel master site and can't even find anything on there.

Edit: This is really weird that my last post, which was about 2 hours ago, is showing a time that is about 10 hours from now. Kind of odd. It got this one right though.
I just called another local place and they said they could order it for me, but they are calling me back with the price. If I can get it from them, I probably will. I think it will end up being a little cheaper. SolidSignal will end up being about $74. The MSRP says it is 59.99 so if that's the price I'll buy it locally. So you guys think the 4228 8-bay will be quite a bit better than the 4-bay? I'm so close with the 4 bay, but the signal will drop for just a second and then come back. On the two channels I have signals around 70-80 depending on the time of day. I'm hoping just to get into the mid to high 80's. That would be perfect.

Edit: She just called back and the price is $79. It's a little more but she can have it to me on Thursday. I'm thinking about doing that.
Ok I ordered the 4228. Is there anyway of stacking this with my current antenna or would it be too much trouble to try? Anyway, I will pick it up on Thursday and hopefully install it thusday night. I'll let you know what my results are. Thanks for your help.
The cm4228 uhf antenna will suit you fine there. Very popular very good uhf antenna and more gain than the cm4221.

if you want to receive this channel on non digital tvs around the house, you would need a antenna capable of receiving it.

red - vhf WUFT 5 PBS GAINESVILLE FL 81° 28.1 5
Well, I guess it's worked about the same all along. I've only been living in this house for about 5 months. I've just been watching more ota stuff lately and noticed that the signal drops out. Would you recommend any place to buy a uhf only antenna? The guy at Radio Shack told me the only 2 that they had in stock were the one I linked to and one just like it that was 160" long!!!!! This is kind of off topic, but he told my that they sell the same pole for both of those anntenna. It's 1 1/2" pole. I don't think I'd want an antenna almost 14' long on top of a 1 1/2" pole above my house.

Anyway, I would rather try the antenna first before I climb under the house to replace all of the wire. Thanks.
teamerickson said:
You've intented the pre-post time machine. Howd you do that?

Yeah, that's odd huh? I posted that about 10 am my time and it says 8 pm. I can't figure it out.
Rick0725 said:
The cm4228 uhf antenna will suit you fine there. Very popular very good uhf antenna and more gain than the cm4221.

if you want to receive this channel on non digital tvs around the house, you would need a antenna capable of receiving it.

red - vhf WUFT 5 PBS GAINESVILLE FL 81° 28.1 5

No, I don't care about any non-digital. I get my locals through E*, so I'm just going to use the antenna for HD.
Well I got my 4228 and replaced my 4221 with it. I can't get my signal on either channel that I want to stay even in the 70's. I had better signal with the smaller antenna. I moved it up and down and aimed it in every way possible. I don't know what to do. Does anybody have any idea before I try to return this antenna? I am using a Winegard preamp. It's the same one that was up there. I didn't replace the preamp. I tried it with and without the amp and it's definately better with. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This thing is really ticking me off.
Did you replace the cable? When you tested without the amplifier did you completely remove it and the power supply from the antenna cable so it was just a straight run from your antenna to the receiver? Are the connectors clean and in good condition? I'm surprised about your signal strength as you should have a much stronger signal.
I had better signal with the smaller antenna

The larger antenna preamp combination may be causing overload. Signal should show some improvement with a cm4228 over a cm4221.

using a Winegard preamp

which one.

I can't get my signal on either channel that I want to stay even in the 70's.

which channel is that

When you tested without the amplifier did you completely remove it and the power supply from the antenna cable so it was just a straight run from your antenna to the receiver

good point!

no preamp and no powersupply.

has to be direct from antenna to tuner to test.
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Using my E* 211 receiver I can't keep either with a steady signal, but using my tv's built in tuner I can get a steady signal. I have my antenna pointed a little bit south of East. Using my tv tuner I'm also picking up WTVT (Fox) and WFLA (NBC) out of Tampa which is about 2 1/2 hours south west of me. The signal on WFLA is only showing 3 bars on my tv and WTVT is showing 1 bar but neither has dropped out. I hope I can keep these signals because I don't have FOX or NBC in HD locally. I thought it was weird that I was picking up tampa stations but what is even more weird is that I'm also picking up WFSU (PBS) out of Tallahassee which is about 2 hours north west. I don't know? As long as I can keep signal on my abc and cbs using my tv, I'll be happy.
techpuppy said:
Did you replace the cable? When you tested without the amplifier did you completely remove it and the power supply from the antenna cable so it was just a straight run from your antenna to the receiver? Are the connectors clean and in good condition? I'm surprised about your signal strength as you should have a much stronger signal.
No, I did not replace any wire. I also did not remove the amp, I just unplugged the power to it. I know the problem has to be these pine trees that aren't more than about 20 feet away from the antenna. I might end up moving it to the other end of the house to see if that helps.

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Best antenna for 30+ miles?

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