need help slaving an analog receiver to a dvb receiver

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 14, 2004
Can you slave an analog receiver with only one lnb in on the receiver to a mpeg receiver as in this diagram.
I have a toshiba 1520 and a ORB7500 analog receiver an they both only have one input and it is for cband.How can i slave one of these to my coolsat 5000?How can you pass the ku feed to the coolsat 5000?
So....those first 2 receivers are C-band only? Hmm....I doubt they have Diseqc compliance so I would suggest running a separate line for Ku. Maybe Pete or Ice have a better idea.
Yes you can.

Use a 0/22KHz 2-way switch to connect the C-band (0 side of the switch) and the KU-band (22KHz side of the switch). Run the switch output to your mpeg receiver. Then use the loopout to connect to the analog receiver.

When your mpeg receiver is turned off (standby), the switch will default back to the C-band side.
Sadoun said:
Yes you can.

Use a 0/22KHz 2-way switch to connect the C-band (0 side of the switch) and the KU-band (22KHz side of the switch). Run the switch output to your mpeg receiver. Then use the loopout to connect to the analog receiver.

When your mpeg receiver is turned off (standby), the switch will default back to the C-band side.
Sadoun both of my receivers the toshiba and the orb7500 can do c/ku analog.What i don't understand is when i try slaving the coolsat to the bud.Why don't the 2 highpass spitter and the 2 way disecq switch pass the ku band to my coolsat.The coolsat receives all the cband digital signals and plays them on port one of the switch but it does not see any of the ku signals via port 2 on the switch.Shouldn't the dish switch send what is coming from the ku lnb to my coolsat receiver.I am using a corator II plus with ku and cband lnb's attached to the feed horn.
techno935 said:
So....those first 2 receivers are C-band only? Hmm....I doubt they have Diseqc compliance so I would suggest running a separate line for Ku. Maybe Pete or Ice have a better idea.
both receivers are c/ku analog receivers
wildboys said:
Can you slave an analog receiver with only one lnb in on the receiver to a mpeg receiver as in this diagram.
I have a toshiba 1520 and a ORB7500 analog receiver an they both only have one input and it is for cband.How can i slave one of these to my coolsat 5000?How can you pass the ku feed to the coolsat 5000?
I am trying to slave the coolsat to the analog receiver.I want to use the analog as the master receiver
you would use the link you posted above. I originally did that with the splitter and the diseqc switcha nd it worked fine. The Coolsat will only get the same polarity as the Analog will (unless you have a separate KU dish)
The diagram you posted is what I use, with the exception that I use 4x1 high frequency splitters, with one port power passthrough and I let my 4dtv receiver control the lnb's through the one port power passthrough. That way I use all four outputs with three going to diseqc switches for three different DVB receivers. And I have no problems. When I first started doing this, I used a common 2x1 tv splitter and it only worked on the C-band side. It took me a while to figure out the splitter would not handle the satellite signal for both C/ku. I could swap the coax's and it would still only work on the one side. It sounds like your problem is the splitters aren't high frequency splitters. If they're not, maybe you should get some.

voomvoom said:
The diagram you posted is what I use, with the exception that I use 4x1 high frequency splitters, with one port power passthrough and I let my 4dtv receiver control the lnb's through the one port power passthrough. That way I use all four outputs with three going to diseqc switches for three different DVB receivers. And I have no problems. When I first started doing this, I used a common 2x1 tv splitter and it only worked on the C-band side. It took me a while to figure out the splitter would not handle the satellite signal for both C/ku. I could swap the coax's and it would still only work on the one side. It sounds like your problem is the splitters aren't high frequency splitters. If they're not, maybe you should get some.

This is the splitter i use.
Is it the right kind.My lnb's are connected to a corotor with polarizer does that matteR?
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how many degrees of the arc does a 1.2 meter "see"

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