Netflix blu-ray price premium to become reality

. Does anyone else experience this "abundance" of availability like me?

Sometimes for brand-new-this-week releases there could be a delay of 1-3 weeks, depending. Right now I'm waiting for "21." A couple weeks ago, there was a bit of a wait for "Bank Job" and I believe "Batman Begins" on BD is still on "Out of the Question" status.
hmm, I don't remember that email, nor did I see anything in my account to mention it. I guess we'll see next month if it reverts back or whatever. When did that whole thing get started cause I have only been a netflix memeber (again) since 2007. Before that it was like 2 years with blockbuster.

The emails went out in 2005: Netflix Settlement

You actually had to register to be part of the settlement. Looking back, I can't believe I went to that trouble... I must have been bored at work or something.
Sometimes for brand-new-this-week releases there could be a delay of 1-3 weeks, depending. Right now I'm waiting for "21." A couple weeks ago, there was a bit of a wait for "Bank Job" and I believe "Batman Begins" on BD is still on "Out of the Question" status.

Right now I have 34 BD's in my queue.

5 are in some sort of wait status:
Starship Troopers 3 long wait
Bucket List short wait
Doomsday short wait
21 short wait
Bank Job short wait

Compared to my blockbuster queue that reports that of the SAME 34 movies on blu-ray only 4 are actually available and they are old releases or not popular ones:
Mr. Woodcock
Bruce and lloyd
Other Boelyn Girl
I'm really not seeing this issue people are having with getting BD discs on Netflix in a timely manner. Here's the movies I have got on BD from Netflix either at home or in queue:

Wrestlemania 24, A Clockwork Orange, Top Gun, American Psycho, The Simpsons Movie, Blade Runner, We Own the Night, Reservoir Dogs, Rambo.

I've had these in my Queue for various amounts of time, and none of them ever had any status other than "Now" to the best of my knowledge. To be fair, I haven't ordered any of these when they first came out, with the exception of Top Gun, which is an older movie being released on BD. Does anyone else experience this "abundance" of availability like me?

One problem with your comparison is that most of those are not high demand. Im about 2 weeks behind new releases and all my BD's are long wait.

Its the same ol story with Netflix. I travel 4-5 days sometimes each week, when I get home I want to watch the flick, not get a snd disc from a tv show Im watching because they had to skip all my new releases.

This is why Im gonna give the D* PPV a shot. Ill have to wait a couple weeks past the dvd release, but once I get on on sync with the ppv releases, i can watch 1-2 a week when I want to.
Right now I have 34 BD's in my queue.

5 are in some sort of wait status:
Starship Troopers 3 long wait
Bucket List short wait
Doomsday short wait
21 short wait
Bank Job short wait

Compared to my blockbuster queue that reports that of the SAME 34 movies on blu-ray only 4 are actually available and they are old releases or not popular ones:
Mr. Woodcock
Bruce and lloyd
Other Boelyn Girl

Hence the reason I switched back to Netflix from Blockbuster last month...a month or two ago I noticed some serious BD availability issues at BB, and for that reason I would be inclined to stay with Netflix in spite of the BD premium charge (assuming BB doesn't follow suit).
I called in to Netflix today to ask what was up with my weird billing change and they told me that because I called in and was not scheduled to get the BD premium price yet (but I got it cause I cancelled and re-added BD to my account in the same day) that they comp'd me a bit for that error. I'll take that as a nice customer service gesture.

So who knows, but right now I got a little bump in service, and based on what I see at blockbuster it's going to take them a long time to get their inventory to match netflix. At least for me in my area. I still find it odd that blockbuster lets a former customer log-in and mess around with the queue whenever they want. I like it though as I use it to compare netflix to BB service.
No increase from what ive seen for blu ray. 29.99 + 1.80 tax = 31.79/mo for the past 5 months for the 5-at-a-time plan. Like ive stated before, I hardly ever have a wait time on blu ray. Out of the 34 blu rays in my que only one movie is on a wait and that is "21". I also get very fast turnover but that could be because the distribution site in about 50 miles from our residence. Throw movies in the mail monday morning, have new ones wednesday afternoon.
I'm not surprised there's a long wait for Starship Troopers. They just started shipping- got mine yesterday.
So does anyone know for sure if the $2 price increase for BD will start with Aug. sub renewals? I would think they'd have to send out a letter at least a couple of weeks in advance to warn customers of the price increase. Has anyone been notified yet? My girlfriend's sub renews Aug. 16, and she'll want to drop BD if she knows she'll have to start paying more (I'll just keep BD in my sub).
Have used NetFlix for years and love it. Just installed a Panasonic Blu-ray and can't wait to add some blu-ray to our queue - even if it does cost more! (for now:)