Next VOOM Chat 3/30/04, tonight from 9pm-10pm EST

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
We are going to have our next VOOM chat on 3/30/04 from 9pm to 10pm EST. Topic of discussion --- anything goes. Will post link to chat on Tuesday...

See you there... Hopefully, we will have Encore-HD, Playboy-HD, and others by them... :)
muuuuuuuuuuu ha aha ha aha haha aha ha ah ah aha

I cant wait to sink my teeth into you "Charter" VOOMERS!!

(im joking... )
Damn I have to leave for work at 9pm ....any chance of making it a little earlier in the future?
When do we start logging in? I just tried to kind of have a look around, and it said invalid password/username.
cyuhnke said:
When do we start logging in? I just tried to kind of have a look around, and it said invalid password/username.

That's right. Let met talk to Scott. We will have it fixed...
Sorry for the question, but do we login with email address and password, is that the same as username?
There's seem to be a problem with chat software. Scott is working on it. It will be ready before the chat.
i cant get in maybe i forgot my password?? could it be different then the regular one? any e-mail me my password???
Well, I thought it was ok... but not much new. Plenty of the usual party line. Guess I expected too much ;). We Sears purchasers are still going to get screwed come the end of May.

DVI dual link or single link, one more time


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