Nextwave NCC500 DOA?

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Original poster
Apr 18, 2008
i got it today.

I hooked it up
the receiver will only send juice thorugh M1, if I hit west, nothing comes from M2, and my dish does not move, It does with the drake.

What could it be? i dont hear the relay moving?
Even with the wires not hooked up. If you goto the setup screen and move it east and west? You do or do not hear any relay clicks?
it sez turn unit off and hold pgm key down to acess menu, i tried that 5 times and cant acess the menu
please help
i gave up and done a master resest now hen i try to go east or west it keeps saying acuator-no counts

can someone give me a straighforward guide of seting this up? im pulling my hair out over here!
>It keeps saying acuator-no counts.

It means the sensor wires are not hooked up on the back

On my unit I have four screws behind a panel held on with two screws

Screw #1 is + (Rotator Voltage)

Screw #2 is - (Rotator Voltage)

Screw #3 is Sensor (+ or - it does not matter)

Screw #4 is Sensor (+ or - it does not matter)

Your HH motor should have 4 or 5 terminals as well (The 5th is an extra ground - Not needed)
this was not doing this before the master reset, so something in the reeciver's menu need changed
I had about the same situation when setting mine up. Follow the receiver set-up procedures on page 15 and it should work,making sure to store setup. Also, on the remote, above the antenna buttons is the clear button.Try the clear and see if dish will move.
that didnt work either, can someone tell me what exactly they did to get it to work?
but see i got acuator error on all recivers, one day by mistake i hooked pulse wire into m1 and i think it burnt it up

EDIT i went outside, and i found the culprit, the sensor wire was hooked into shield!
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ok i fiddled with the receiver more, i can only get it to move west, the realy clicks, but when i hi east, it doesnt, unless im in realign dish menu
ok here is what im gonna do

there isnt really any analog cband channels the pique my intrest

so if i just leave it up in the dish menu, i can steer my dish with it

so is it too much of an insult to this box, to just use it as a stand alone dish mover?
> So if i just leave it up in the dish menu, i can steer my dish with it.

Do not feel bad, that is exactly how I do it. Doesn't bother me at all.
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Installing an acutator arm


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