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Aug 9, 2004
A couple of weeks ago I received a C1-PLL C-Band LNBF sample from Brian Gohl over at Titanium Satellite. First thing I noticed was the look, I mean there is not much you can do different as far as looks for a LNBF like this. However, it appears that Brian thought of a way. I like the nice white color and the blue cap. I also like the impressive looking heat sink. Makes it look real and robust. Very sexy comes to mind. I also like how the label was placed inside the unit to keep it out of rain and sunlight. The looks and aesthetic design of this LNBF were well thought out.

First I used it in combination with the Titanium CS1 Conical Feedhorn Scalar, and installed it on my Geosatpro 1.2 Meter Dish. I aimed at 99W and was impressed with the results. I am not that much myself into Minibuding, but since Brian also sent me the CS1 I thought what the heck.

I removed the C1-PLL and installed a DMSI LNBF and took some reading with my meter. I wrote these reading down, and then changed to a Geosatpro C2 LNBF. I wrote down the readings I was getting again and noted an improvement. I then went back to the C1-PLL from Titanium and wrote those readings down. This time I was even more impressed, I didn’t think it could get better than my C2. Amazed at how much higher the C1-PLL was or the DRO C2, I then thought well it is not as good as a 10 footer, but now people who can’t have a 10-footer have a chance at getting some C-Band and getting a taste for it. Most of the stuff that is in the clear on 99W C-Band was watchable with this 4 Foot dish.

View attachment revLNBF Comparison 99W C2 C1PLL rev.pdf

On to the 10-footer:
I have a 10-foot Unimesh dish. I usually run the C2 on this dish or a Chaparral Feedhorn with C/Ku LNB’s and a Chaparral servo.

It has been a couple of years so I decided it was time for a dish re-alignment. Even though it was working ok on things I wanted to watch, I have noticed that some transponders were weaker than they should be. So I went out loosened all the bolts and started from scratch as if this were a new install. After the re-alignment (had the C2 on at the time), I did notice things were back to normal.

Now time to take some readings, on this dish. I chose 87W for this test. I started with the C2 and using the weakest transponder, I tweaked the LNBF in the scalar until I got the best signal possible. I then took reading and wrote them down on a few of the transponders on that satellite.

I then moved on to the C1-PLL. I installed it and again tweaked on the same transponder. This is when my eyes lit up; I could not be seeing what I am seeing. I finished getting it tweaked and started looking at the other transponders and making my notes. I was in awe yet again. Absolutely amazed at what I was seeing. I finished leaving the C1-PLL on and went inside to look at the receiver. I did some checks on different birds and was getting impressive results across the arc.

So with all this good could there be bad? Yep, I began to notice the black hex screws that was used to hold the heat sink on started to rust really fast. There were rust streaks running down my LNBF and making it ugly. I also noticed the ones used on the conical scalar that was still mounted to the other dish were doing the same thing. I contacted Brian about this and he said that this is being fixed and all stock that he has will be professionally replaced with zinc coated screws and if you bought one already and it is a problem, you will receive a free pack of screws to replace the black ones. Very good customer support if you ask me.

To sum things up as far as looks and performance I give this LNBF at 9.9 rating. Now that I will be getting new screws though, it has gone to a 10+. It is still performing excellent and keeps on impressing me.

If you are the type that wants to use a LNBF combo unit and not a separate Feedhorn/servo and LNB/LNB’s, then I have to highly recommend this LNBF. I promise, you will not be dissatisfied.

View attachment LNBF Comparison 87W C2 C1PLLREV.pdf


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I am anxiously awaiting my c1pll for testing on my dishes... thanks for the report. charlie

First C-Band LNBF that I have seen in years that lives up to what it says...I am sure you will be pleased.
No I didn't upload any images, I just posted a couple PDF files of my results, and they work. If you want pictures you can go to
If you want I can post some pictures though.
Did you happen to record the modulation and fec as well? The higher order the modulation and a tighter fec is where noise figures really start to come into play. Your dish big enough for 32apsk ? that'll really test the noise figure.

Agreed! Just installed my C1PLL yesterday. Nice signal on AMC-8. I was using a co-rotor and cheapo LNB on my Unimesh 5.9FT dish for radio signals and the C1PLL brought the Q up from 45-70 on 1 particular transponder. Also I can now really see the spectrum on my analyzer in the house. Previously just slight bumps which made finding AMC-8 a challenge! Fortunately I have the dish fixed on AMC-8. Just need to tweak the skew today and I'll be good to go! Nice job Brian, thanks for a great product!
ke4est said:
No I didn't upload any images, I just posted a couple PDF files of my results, and they work. If you want pictures you can go to
If you want I can post some pictures though.

Got ya iPhone does not show PDF. No pictures needed I'm looking at a several of these gem as I type :)
Does anyone have a contact person and phone #? I would like try this lnbf on my six footer.

I'd love to see a review comparing the c1-pll to a typical lnbf (NS741, bsc621, etc...) on a 6ft dish. Curious how it would perform on those marginal signals.
I'd love to see a review comparing the c1-pll to a typical lnbf (NS741, bsc621, etc...) on a 6ft dish. Curious how it would perform on those marginal signals.
Worked wonders on my 8 foot dish. I havent lost signal on the Luken Mux on 87 since installing it! (And it was RARE for me to pick it up before!)
Mine is still working awesome also, still amazes me at how well it works, for under $50. :)
Anyone so far compare a C1PLL with the Geosat C2 or C1 C-band only units? Comparing a C/Ku LNBF with a single band unit isn't really a good comparison (apples & oranges..) as the dual band feed horns are always a compromise, some more and some less.
I am hoping to have my new C1PLL installed soon... have about 4' snow around my dish so I don't think I need a ladder to reach the feed point... just snow shoes.. :| , Minus 20 this am with a 40mph wind, not happening today!
I just received my C1PLL and scalar today that I had ordered. Previously I was using the DMX-242 dual output LNB that almost everyone sells with one of the thin metal scalars. There was a snow storm rolling in and it was cold outside so I didn't want to mess too much with it. The motor was on G16 so I simply took the old LNB off and did a visual on the new one and hooked up the satellite meter. I noticed an immediate 1.5Db improvement over the old unit without the scalar on. Since I was in a hurry and the weather was deteriorating I used the strong Leasea transponder for adjusting the scalar. The old lnb/scalar combo was giving me around an 8.4db to 8.6db and the new unit from Brian was 10.2db to 10.4db.

I have already picked up several new transponders and various satellites and channels. The weather isn't very good right now with snow coming down and I didn't really get a chance to tweak and fine tune the installation but there you have it. An almost 2db improvement from the old setup to the new. Now obviously I'm not expecting a 2db improvement on every transponder as Leasea is blazing hot but for a 1.2 meter dish the performance improvement over the stock unit is significant and I'm looking forward to warmer weather when I can fine tune both the dish itself and the new lab/scalar setup. Quite pleased with what I've seen so far and it's at a very good price point IMO. Can't go wrong with this.
Anyone so far compare a C1PLL with the Geosat C2 or C1 C-band only units? Comparing a C/Ku LNBF with a single band unit isn't really a good comparison (apples & oranges..) as the dual band feed horns are always a compromise, some more and some less.
I am hoping to have my new C1PLL installed soon... have about 4' snow around my dish so I don't think I need a ladder to reach the feed point... just snow shoes.. :| , Minus 20 this am with a 40mph wind, not happening today!

If you go back to the first post and download the pdf file you will see I was using a C2 and C1-PLL. :)
I received mine on Wed BUT the weather and work has been holding me back. Just changed out the back small screws on the heat sink to the silver ones. Keep ya posted on the outcome for a 8' dish.

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