ota guide

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Original poster
Apr 29, 2004
ok heres my question my receiver a hughs E86 went bad so they sent me a new one so i hooked it up and everything went well i can get my locals fine but the infomation in the guide only shows regular schedule with no other info for the locals all other channel guide info is ok HELP
hockey said:
ok heres my question my receiver a hughs E86 went bad so they sent me a new one so i hooked it up and everything went well i can get my locals fine but the infomation in the guide only shows regular schedule with no other info for the locals all other channel guide info is ok HELP

Local channel information takes longer to populate on a new machine than the other channels for some reason. If after a few days you still don't have local guide data, give D* a call.

thanks for the reply i found the problem i forgot to put the zip code in
hockey said:
thanks for the reply i found the problem i forgot to put the zip code in

Of course, that could be it as well... Sometimes the obvious answer is the hardest to find.

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Nashville locals help please

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