Oval Dish



Original poster
I'm looking to upgrade my old dish to a new HD dish. I already have an HD reciever. It seems there are many brands. I heard something about phase 3 and others have built in multiswitches. What should I look for and get?
In most cases, they are the same manufacturer with different brand names. Make sure you purchase a phase 3 ODU not a 18x24 with a dual LNB and a Sat-C kit, although it will also work, just not as simple to install. They both come with a 4-way multi-switch built in.
FWIW, I have the Terk phase 3 dish and it seems to be sturdy and well built. One nice feature it has if you're going to install yourself is a bubble level that fits into the top of the mast. If you get the bubble centered you know you have the mast plumb, important for a multi sat dish.

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