hard drive upgrade

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
I am gonna get my D* installed saturday. I am gonna get one dtivo. I bought a 120gb hard drive. I only want to swap the 40gb for the 120gb. I read the instructions on the web, but I need it simplified.


The best place for information on how to upgrade your tivo can be found at the tivo community forum. Look in the Tivo Underground section. They have very detailed step by step instructions. If you don't feel you are up to it you can have it done professionally. It is not that difficult if you have ever upgraded a drive in a computer.
I bought an upgrade kit from weaknees.com and it only took about 20 minutes to install. Pretty sweet deal and I now have about 105 hours of recording time on my HDVR2.
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