PS3 in trouble

My, my Vurbano. Do you spend all your time trying to find bad news on Sony and the PS3?

Analyst: PS3 sales boost to cause 360 price drop - Xbox 360 Fanboy

Humm, seems that in order for the XBOX360 to not loose ground to the PS3 they HAD to DROP prices. Anyone here think that Sony will not drop the price of the PS3 this XMAS?

It is the XBOX360 that is in trouble -- not the PS3 Vurbano -- gee did you not learn anything from the BD/HDDVD war -- going low puts you out of business. M$ needs to get rid of the 'Ring of Death' hardware and go on and bring out the next version of XBOX - and this time make it backwards compatible!!!

Dean Takahashi exposes the inner story of Microsoft's Xbox 360 woes - Boing Boing Gadgets

See Vurbano, I did not even spend 5 minutes to expose the XBOX360 as having problems.

You just will not give it up will you?:rolleyes:
Why do we continue to talk about gaming in these forums. There is not, nor will there be, a gaming system in my house.

Truth be told, both are in trouble and Wii is kicking both their butts combined and will continue to throughout the holiday season.

It seems there are versions of the PS3 that are not backwards compatable, either. Those that are are not 100% compatable.

Take it to the gaming forum.

Analyst: PS3 sales boost to cause 360 price drop - Xbox 360 Fanboy

Humm, seems that in order for the XBOX360 to not loose ground to the PS3 they HAD to DROP prices. Anyone here think that Sony will not drop the price of the PS3 this XMAS?

You do realize that the PS3 sales boost was the result of a price drop of their own right, and that you look like an idiot for ignoring that fact?

You're also hitting the 360 for it's backward compatibility? In a 360 vs PS3 thread? Really?

Pretty much makes everything else you have to say irrelevant, you should probably stick to Blu-Ray topics, though you just make yourself look like a fool there too usually.

Let me write a templte for the response to this post for you:

Joe in the future said:
(nothing that addresses my completely valid points) (red ring of death reference)(more stuff that doesn't refute my post)
Surely we're not complaining about 2 companies forcing each other to drop prices? :hungry:
Why is there constant name calling going around? Joe and I have argued/debated or whatever you want to call it for over two years, but I have never called him a name.

That's okay teachsac -- you know I have been called worse. Elstevo, the only company not dropping prices to sell their hardware is Nintendo.

The PS3 does not have a hardware problem the 360 does and it still cost M$ money to cover for it.

I expect that companies drop prices both for competition , when demand drops and when production costs are reduced. Is that not what most of us wait for to purchase a new system? If it were not for price drops alot of J6P's would never be able to afford a new console. Are you saying that while the PS3 was selling for only $50 more the Xbox 360 could not of outsold the PS3 without an additonal $50 price drop?

As for facts -- are you disputing the article that I posted? Because if you are I do not see your point?

My original post was in response to Vurbano's thread. What is your post about?
As BD player prices drop the info in that little piece will outline the Future or rather the lack of it for the PS3. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

So you really think that Sony is going to drop the price of their BD standalones and not drop the price of their PS3? The history of Sony's console developement and sales history going back to the original PS is that as production costs go down so does the price of their console -- always before XMAS and usually before the end of their fiscal year (end of May) to improve sales. Why would this XMAS be any differant?
Don't you all have anything better to do than to start some s**t? You're really pulling at straws for the sake of starting an argument.
That's okay teachsac -- you know I have been called worse. Elstevo, the only company not dropping prices to sell their hardware is Nintendo.

The PS3 does not have a hardware problem the 360 does and it still cost M$ money to cover for it.

I expect that companies drop prices both for competition , when demand drops and when production costs are reduced. Is that not what most of us wait for to purchase a new system? If it were not for price drops alot of J6P's would never be able to afford a new console. Are you saying that while the PS3 was selling for only $50 more the Xbox 360 could not of outsold the PS3 without an additonal $50 price drop?

As for facts -- are you disputing the article that I posted? Because if you are I do not see your point?

My original post was in response to Vurbano's thread. What is your post about?

I am disputing your inference of the article.

All MS did was steal some of Sony's thunder by cutting their price for the first time in 11 months and even then just on the mid-range 360 SKU. It would later reveal an overall strategy to introduce a new SKU and reduce prices across the board.
So you really think that Sony is going to drop the price of their BD standalones and not drop the price of their PS3? The history of Sony's console developement and sales history going back to the original PS is that as production costs go down so does the price of their console -- always before XMAS and usually before the end of their fiscal year (end of May) to improve sales. Why would this XMAS be any differant?
there is a reason Sony will leave BD out of the PS4 and it is the failure of the PS3 as a competitive game machine.
(Blows in cartridge to blow out dust and reinserts cartridge)

I'm pretty sure they won't be going back to Nintendo 64 esque cartridges.....

Maybe Flashdrives if they get cheap enough?

I still think Discs are the best way to go. Static can kill a flash drive, discs can get scratched, but they are more durable than other forms of media.... Downloads may work for Arcade titles, but they won't supplant the huge games that can take up 8GB and more...
Considering the amount of space a blu-ray can hold, I don't see them switching to anything else anytime soon.
Microsoft will probably switch to blu-ray in the next generation as well, by that time blu-ray parts and media will be as cheap as DVD is now.
When Blu-ray players drop down below the price of the PS3 then the number of PS3's sold will go down even father past where they lagged behind the 360 and Wii. And this was before the 360 dropped their price. The 360 came out a year before the PS3 so it is time in their cycle to drop the price again. They aren't doing it just to sell more than the PS3, they already had that.
there is a reason Sony will leave BD out of the PS4 and it is the failure of the PS3 as a competitive game machine.

To the contrary, I think the failures of the PS3 will result in a better PS4. The PS3 is why Blu-Ray is as 'cheap' as it is, and will lead to it being even cheaper when Sony goes to make several million PS4s with the same technology.

The PS3 will remain one of the most significant mismanaged launches in gaming history though.
Sony needs software. Nothing wrong with the hardware. MS has great software, and "troublesome" hardware, and are doing well with that.

Says a lot when people are actually more willing to work with MS than Sony.

Fable 2


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