Pub Membership?

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I read a post the other day(can't remember which thread), that stated a very good point. Many of us have saved a ton of money because we find out solutions to problems, or tips and tricks from this site that would other wise cost a lot of money to get the info from other sources. Looking at the amount of posts the OP has, I don't think he has been around here long enough to benifit from the site. If he wants to quit coming here, BYE, but he wont find a cheaper, better, and more accurate place for info. I will also say he wont find any place better than here that has so many cool folks to hang out with. That's one of the main reasons I and most of us joined. Thanks for all you and the staff do Scott.
Let me guess, some of you that are complaining about the Pub membership are the type of people that mooch off your friends all the time.
I didn't complain if you are referring to me. But I don't pay for CNN or other commercial sites. A site getting hits like this because of you and me gets great advertising rates. Nothing to do with mooching. How would you feel if you found out the owner of this site was grossing making a half million a year in advertising? As I said, I don't pay CNN for exclusives and they don't ask for my money.
I guess it's just a trust issue then for us that have been here a while. Scott has never given me nor anyone the idea that he actually makes a living off this site. He has a full time job. It's really not worth arguing over. Every society has people that will refuse to pay for anything no matter how valuable it is. I don't care either way as eventually everyone will get the rumor info. I just know in my experience with this site, it has save me so much money that for ME (not anyone else) I cannot in good conscience not donate money to keep the site going and improved.

As for CNN, I can bet they get multidues of hits compared to what this site gets and their advertising blows away anything I see here (even not logged in). Just glancing at CNN, I see 17 ads on the main page alone.

I would also like to say/ask that no one bash people that don't see the value in the site. Maybe some people do not benefit from it like others. It's not a big deal as everyone is different and in different circumstances where they cannot justify the donation. I'm still gonna donate every year eventhough I do not have to and I'm still gonna offer assistance to anyone who asks in the forums. The helpful and friendly nature of this site is what is great, we don't need to berate people who don't donate.

Also, there is no reason for people to lash out and make stupid comments on why they won't donate.
I can guarantee you Scott does not make a living off Satelliteguys. He and his wife put so much of their time and money into this site over the years.

We're not asking for money for rumors. We're not that kind of site.

If you have benefited from Satelliteguys in any way, please support the site.
Too bad this is turning into a "pay for inside info" kind of site.

Guess all good things eventually come to an end. To each his own, but I'm certainly not going to pay for rumors about TV.

You are not paying for rumors; you are paying to help keep the lights on.

If you'd prefer all the ads, thats good too - as it helps keep lights on as well. :p
another thing I'd like to add is I don't know how much advertising generates from those who actually see all the ads, but I gotta believe the $20 donation does not offset the lost advertising $ on those who donate and no longer see those ads.

$20 a year is cheap for a resource that is literally updated non-stop. I can't find a trade or mainstream industy magazine that offers the same benefits and info for the same price anywhere. Plus you won't find a better group of people to hang out with and have discussions with.
Whoa! I had no intention of starting something like what this thread has become. I was just confused about the sign up procedure.

I'll try again today.
Looks like you're already a pub member.

Thank YOU for supporting Satelliteguys!!
If you are truely elite you get to hang out in the treehouse, where they make you work for membership ;)
Since I have no idea how much money is brought in from advertising and stuff like that, I would have to say that Scott might be losing money overall with all the stuff he does for the members and us staff members including his time which he most certainlly doesn't get paid for. He is on this site problably 18 hours a day doing something to make it better not to mention all the trips he takes to CES and stuff like that.
A lot of sites have a pay portion of their site.

The other satellite related forums have an area where you have to pay to get access to it.
I support this site for the wealth of information I receive from all the members, and for the all the hard work and time Scott, his wife, and the staff members devote. When/before I have to deal with Dish I do research here first so I know if there trying to blow sunshine up my a**.
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