Question About SuperDISH Changes

Alan Gordon

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 20, 2003
Dawson, GA
I just got off the phone with Pegasus, and got curious about Dish Network again. After the announcement about 105 and 121, how many more cities can they add in the next year, as I doubt they will get to my DMA, but I sure would be pleased if they added the Columbus (125 DMA) locals so I can get CBS.

If I am not mistaken I thought I heard 150 cities by the end of 2004, but I am not sure if I am confusing that with what I heard if the DirecTv/Dish merger would have gone through. With them launching a new satellite next year I would expect even more capacity than there is right now but do not know what the capacity is.
I saw a picture regarding the SuperDISH not too long ago hyping its ability for locals in 150 cities (90% of the US), and I couldn't find the link to it, BUT I did find the picture, and I STATE FOR THE RECORD THIS IS NOT MY PICTURE...


I was just curious as to how their new plans regarding 121 might affect and/or speed up their plans regarding locals?!

Alan Gordon said:
I saw a picture regarding the SuperDISH not too long ago hyping its ability for locals in 150 cities (90% of the US), and I couldn't find the link to it, BUT I did find the picture, and I STATE FOR THE RECORD THIS IS NOT MY PICTURE...


I was just curious as to how their new plans regarding 121 might affect and/or speed up their plans regarding locals?!


I would think that using two sats , both 105 and 121 to do locals, that this would substantialy speed up doing locals for Dish. I wonder if we will be hearing soon that Dish will be able to do ALL locals in the country by the end of 2005. They will still have to launch another sat at 105 in August of 2004 , but this will increase the footpath of the 105 sat to do , I think , the whole U.S. . This will be good news for the rest of the of us that want our own locals. Remember the 121 sat is also suppossed to do broadband over the satellite also, for under $ 40.00 . If this is what they do then Dish will be in the lead over both cable and Directv.

Please Dish Network make up your mind.

921 & 811 Listed on Dish Network Website (Sort of!)

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