Redskins' Sean Taylor Dies...

WOW..."scum of the earth".... Funny thing is...REGARDLESS of how you PERSONALLY FEEL...HE was killed...HE didn't kill anybody. And about UM, maybe you should check the schools YOU like/ it VaTech? OR WVU?
They have been a pillar of excellence when it comes to your student athletes?:rolleyes:

I am not defending him, I will defend what is right...even if it means someone that is not right. THAT my friend, is how are laws work. And you are putting him in the SAME CATEGORY AS O.J. the same boat as someone that killed two people? you really have a hatred to The U, the NFL or black men in general 'cause it sure as hell seems that way with the history of your comments...
I don't support UVA, Virginia Tech or WV...although I have hired (currently on staff) three VA Tech M.S. Computer Science graduates - they are very well schooled and disciplined. I am not sure from which air you are pulling your facts.

My only dislike is for criminal behavior and those support such behavior.;)

Regarding OJ Simpson...I never placed Mr. Taylor in the same category as Mr. Simpson (Double Murderer)! I was simply pointing how both parties escaped CONVICTION due to their hiring the best lawyers. Moreover, I take great umbrage in your saying Mr. Simpson killed two people because, according to your argument, he was never CONVICTED of the crimes in a court of law. Seriously, which one is it? Your flip one minutes to blindly defend your MU regardless of the evidence, and you flop when it conveniently supports your agenda. Me? I am just laying out the facts and basing an educated opinion. I apologies if this goes against your belief that MU is of modern moral mecca of model student athletics.;)

Regarding your playing the race card....ugh! Obviously, you're pulling this one from the same air as your other comments. For the record, my comments regarding crime and criminal behavior are no different regardless of race, creed or color. Moreover, my comments regarding Bonds (cheater, not a criminal) can be equally applied to McGuire, Sosa and Giambi. Perhaps you can convince white, Latino and Oriental athletes to commit more crimes so it doesn't appear that I am picking on any one particular race of criminals. Bing me a Scott Peterson and Drew Peterson wearing an NBA uniform and you'll hear what I have to say about them.:rolleyes:
Salsa, I'll stop with the UM comments. I do hope they find the killer(s) and that justice is serviced. The sad part is the kid (according to reports) really did seem to be trying to steer his life in a better direction. Just like having an zealous ex-wife, his past may have wanted a pound of flesh...even though he tried to get away from it.
Wasn't OJ aquited of those murders?
Yes and the Thug Taylor cut a deal to plead guilty to misdomeaner charges. He should have been locked up, but instead was freed to spit in players faces and continue his hip hop thug lifestyle. I find it sad with all of the "oh he grew up a lot crap" when his child was born. That is the only good thing anyone has to say I guess. Apparantly it wasnt true. The guys that killed him probably didnt do it for no reason. The fact of the matter is that he was going to die sometime violently anyway with his demeanor and lifestyle, Redskin or not. They were idiots to draft him. And if you were a thug looking to "go clean" would you think it would be a good idea to buy a home in the drug cesspool of the US, Florida, that ranks #2 in the nation for violent crime according to the DEA??? DEA Briefs & Background, Drugs and Drug Abuse, State Factsheets, Florida
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And if you were a thug looking to "go clean" would you think it would be a good idea to buy a home in the drug cesspool of the US, Florida, that ranks #2 in the nation for violent crime according to the DEA??? DEA Briefs & Background, Drugs and Drug Abuse, State Factsheets, Florida

The area he lived in was not a cesspool. ALSO, the MAIN reason for all the drug traffic is due to it being litterally unchecked by the great port security we have and the proximity to Columbia and all the drug trafficking countries. But, this ain't about it?:rolleyes: And considering that the state has almost 3 times the population...your little state ain't doing too bad itself...:rolleyes:
Come on Joe..spitting in a guys face makes you a thug?? Bill Romanowski not only did that, but step on guys and even broke teammates jaws? Did anyone call HIM a thug...or were the terms used like "hard nose player" There is no doubt he had a pasted. The brandishing the gun...AGAIN, was before his duaghter was born and it was with the issue with the ATVs....almost 2 years ago just like the rest of his issues.

I would not be surprised this had to do with the break-in on his house last week.....but let's be perfectly clear here...he WAS the victim.

Romo did not go around "brandishing guns". As I said before, anyone who does that, (ala Steven Jackson when he was with the Pacers), is a thug. Romo was simply a roid raging freak with a lot of mental problems.

Taylor was not a victim. If you play with fire, (which he did when he got into an altercation with someone he did not know about an a.t.v., and wheeled his pistol around), you will get burned.

The real victims are his daughter and girl friend. But then again, maybe not. They will be financially well taken care of, and maybe less exposed to court rooms, cops showing up at the door, and people breaking in their home in the dead of night looking for retaliation.
Yes and the Thug Taylor cut a deal to plead guilty to misdomeaner charges. He should have been locked up, but instead was freed to spit in players faces and continue his hip hop thug lifestyle.

IF I had a dollar for every player that has spit in the face of another on ANY football field, much less the NFL....I would have MORE than enough money to buy you 1000 over....LOL:rolleyes:
Romo did not go around "brandishing guns". As I said before, anyone who does that, (ala Steven Jackson when he was with the Pacers), is a thug. Romo was simply a roid raging freak with a lot of mental problems.

Taylor was not a victim. If you play with fire, (which he did when he got into an altercation with someone he did not know about an a.t.v., and wheeled his pistol around), you will get burned.

The real victims are his daughter and girl friend. But then again, maybe not. They will be financially well taken care of, and maybe less exposed to court rooms, cops showing up at the door, and people breaking in their home in the dead of night looking for retaliation.

AGAIN...I brought up the spitting because it seemed as part of your argument. He brandished a gun because he was confront people who stole or attmepted to steal his ATV....AND AGAIN, STUPID as I stated before...AND AGAIN, all that well over 2 years ago. He had been clean since. Now, I will not deny that maybe that previous life finally caught up to him. But according to those that knows him ALOT BETTER THAN ANYONE HERE, stated he had matured and was well on his way to being a responsible man after the birth of his 1st child. UNLESS ANY OF YOU dealt with him on a daily basis, I will definately take their word over yours hands down.

And YES, he IS a victim...he was shot dead.
....But the feeling from the Redskins was that Taylor had put the problems that plagued him early in his career behind him -- including the seven fines he'd received for late hits and other infractions, and the $25,000 fine he incurred for skipping a mandatory rookie symposium after the Redskins selected him fifth overall in the 2004 draft. He was no longer the same man who had been accused of brandishing a gun during a fight in 2005. In that case, Taylor accepted a plea agreement of two misdemeanors and received 18 months' probation. Yet somehow, through all those issues, he had started the valuable process of growing up. The most obvious sign was the relationship he had with his 1-year-old daughter, Jackie. "It's hard to expect a man to grow up overnight, but ever since he had his child, it was like a new Sean, and everybody around here knew it," Redskins running back Clinton Portis told reporters. "He was always smiling, always happy, always talking about his child." Teammates always claimed that Taylor had more common sense than he displayed early in his career. It's much easier to believe that when observing his behavior since Jackie was born in May 2006. Not only had Taylor avoided trouble, but he had become even better on the field. A few weeks ago, Redskins defensive coordinator Gregg Williams gushed about how Taylor had become the best safety in the league, a defender whose intimidating combination of size (6-foot-2, 212 pounds) and speed allowed him to excel in coverage and against the run. The more you listened to people talk about Taylor, the more you sensed he had turned an important corner in his life and his career.....

ESPN - Chadiha: Taylor's life was turning around - NFL

But hey, EVERYONE HERE knows him alot better than the people he is constantly around....:rolleyes:
Romo did not go around "brandishing guns". As I said before, anyone who does that, (ala Steven Jackson when he was with the Pacers), is a thug. Romo was simply a roid raging freak with a lot of mental problems.

Taylor was not a victim. If you play with fire, (which he did when he got into an altercation with someone he did not know about an a.t.v., and wheeled his pistol around), you will get burned.

The real victims are his daughter and girl friend. But then again, maybe not. They will be financially well taken care of, and maybe less exposed to court rooms, cops showing up at the door, and people breaking in their home in the dead of night looking for retaliation.
Their life expectancy probably increased after this.
I've been trying to stay out of this one, but I am just amazed (maybe horrified would be a better word) at some of the heartless comments on this topic.

Maybe he made bad choices. Maybe he was running with the wrong crowd. But unless he went and shot someone else and they (or their friend/relative) were coming back for revenge, I'm not sure where the "he got what was coming to him" attitude comes from. Even if that was the case, I don't believe taking one life repays another.

Do any of you have children? Take 10 seconds and think about how it would make you feel if you knew you were going to leave them behind or, better yet, how they would feel. Talking about them being better off because they won't be in a court room, they'll be financially taken care of and/or saying their life expectancy just went up is unfathomable to me.

The lack of respect for human life that is being displayed here is unbelievable.
I've been trying to stay out of this one, but I am just amazed (maybe horrified would be a better word) at some of the heartless comments on this topic.

Maybe he made bad choices. Maybe he was running with the wrong crowd. But unless he went and shot someone else and they (or their friend/relative) were coming back for revenge, I'm not sure where the "he got what was coming to him" attitude comes from. Even if that was the case, I don't believe taking one life repays another.

Do any of you have children? Take 10 seconds and think about how it would make you feel if you knew you were going to leave them behind or, better yet, how they would feel. Talking about them being better off because they won't be in a court room, they'll be financially taken care of and/or saying their life expectancy just went up is unfathomable to me.

The lack of respect for human life that is being displayed here is unbelievable.
I think that just being in close proximity to this guy would have reduced your life expectancy. Thank god the kid wasnt in the house with him.
The lack of respect for human life that is being displayed here is unbelievable.
I agree,no one knows yet what happend. And anyone whose gets into their car and drives drunk ,Has NO respect for human life either.That goes out to the goodie two shoes statement! Not you ONUOsfan ,He knows who he is.
I think that just being in close proximity to this guy would have reduced your life expectancy. Thank god the kid wasnt in the house with him.

ONUOsFan...that is just Vurbano being Vurbano.

By the way, his girlfriend AND daughter were all in the same room. Which goes to show you just how little you know about this whole situation. But, hey, you sound like you ACTUALLY know I guess YOU would know right?:rolleyes:
Wow. Boy did this thread change in a bad way fast.

Please people a 24 y/o young man died. What do we honestly know as fact as to what exactly happened? And what his history really was?? I don't know him personally do any of you?

What does school or color of skin has to do with it at this point?

Please look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're perfect and can rightfully point your finger.

As a parent of two boys not far from his age I feel for his family and friends and offer my condolences.

Such a shame.
Here is a little more for those that THINK he was a thug:

MIAMI - Pro Bowl safety Sean Taylor died today after he was shot in his home by an apparent intruder, leaving the Washington Redskins in mourning for a teammate who seemed to have reordered his life since becoming a father.

Taylor dies from shooting in Fla. --

In the past two years, however, Taylor has earned praise from coaches and teammates for maturing and better work habits. Portis, a former University of Miami teammate, said Taylor had grown up considerably since the birth of his daughter, Jackie, in May 2006. - Steele Press: In the prime of youth

BUT, you would think from the comments of the people in here "that know him":rolleyes:...that he was a thug that could not mature and that almost derserved his plight.....:( retort is that I maintain a high-level government clearance, TS/SCI Lifestyle Poly and have never done such things. Additionally, I work for company with 80,000 other individuals who don't subscribe to this misconduct. If we did, our clearances would be revoked and we would tossed out on our asses.
And we walk a number of people like you out of our buildings every year...;)
let me see if i understand some of you guys here. are you saying because taylor associated with less desirables, that means he should have been shot.....maybe, murdered? you know i wouldn't want to think you all actually believe he got what he deserved? because, if you do, you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

i'd be willing to bet large sums of money that every person who posts here has done things in their life, they are ashamed of. some of us may have associated with bad people at one time.

look, i'm not saying the guy was a saint....but none of us are. yet, from what i've read today, it sounded like he was trying to turn his life around. yes, bad things happen to people who are bad. but bad things happen to people who are good too!!
let me see if i understand some of you guys here. are you saying because taylor associated with less desirables, that means he should have been shot.....maybe, murdered? you know i wouldn't want to think you all actually believe he got what he deserved? because, if you do, you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

i'd be willing to bet large sums of money that every person who posts here has done things in their life, they are ashamed of. some of us may have associated with bad people at one time.

look, i'm not saying the guy was a saint....but none of us are. yet, from what i've read today, it sounded like he was trying to turn his life around. yes, bad things happen to people who are bad. but bad things happen to people who are good too!!

Very good point....but you would be amazed how some people think....and ICE, knowing you do frequent the PIT, you know exactly what I am talking about.
Now comes word that the phones lines were not cut, but were not working.
His lawyer clarified it earlier today on the Herald. Also, some speculated that he came back due to the break-in 8 days earlier....but that TOO has been clarified:

He said Garcia called 911 on a cellphone. Sharpstein had said Monday that the house phone line had been cut, but on Tuesday clarified it, saying the house phone was not working, but the lines had not been cut.

Taylor was not supposed to be home. He had come back to Palmetto Bay, while the Redskins played in Tampa, to see an orthopedic surgeon for a second opinion on his injured knee, Sharpstein said.

''My instincts tell me this was not a murder or a hit. It was certainly not professionally done in that two random shots were fired. One his leg. The other hit the wall,'' Sharpstein said.

Family grieves, cops seek clues in Taylor's death - 11/27/2007 -

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