Bad idea. If you do a Master Reset, your receiver's memory and channel maps are cleared out, and require a good download (done from a live signal) as well as a call to Shaw Direct to restore your subscription. IF you are using a different type of LNBF on this system in Arizona vs. the one at home, you could be opening a can of worms. Would suggest that if you have not done a Master Reset, stop! Any channels that you were receiving on a subscription from Anik G1/107 in Canada will simply not play in Arizona. Only those from F2/111. Go through your channels and write down which ones are still working. That's what you are going to receive in Arizona, and once Anik F2 is shut down anywhere from a few weeks to several months from now, there will be no more reception from your system in Arizona. Bring your receivers back to Canada once this happens, but Shaw Direct is near the end of the road for reception in locations that are unable to receive Anik G1.