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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 18, 2011
What's the purpose of not just releasing updates all at once like for all people to receive at the same time? It's the same signal being sent from the birds isn't it? Just don't make a lot of sense considering they have people willing to try new software on their boxes already so they know they get feed back from them to fix any problems or glitches before release. Any ideas or am I just missing something!?
so you release software for the whole US...everyone with a HD receiver gets it...then say there is a glitch with it

imagine the phone calls from folks.

I know last year they did a software update and it totally f----d up the needed to do two reboots for it to work semi-properly. Directv ended up sending out a massive reboot to all receivers to fix it...then new software came a day or so later. Would have hated to be in a call center that day ;)
Well say the new release causes a major prob. If only a few got it, then only a few calling in and a few to deal with. If all got it at once and it was caused something real bad.....well I think you can figure out what would happen...:eek:
That's what the early release is for, send it out to a few and let them play and require feedback to be sent about it. How many people have the new guide? Me and every HSP account plus everybody that has received it on an early release. I think that woul be enough to know there is no glitches that we've came across
That's what the early release is for, send it out to a few and let them play and require feedback to be sent about it. How many people have the new guide? Me and every HSP account plus everybody that has received it on an early release. I think that woul be enough to know there is no glitches that we've came across

You've obviously never been involved in a beta test of software before. If your theory were correct there would never be a need for software patches and updates.
robjlevin said:
You've obviously never been involved in a beta test of software before. If your theory were correct there would never be a need for software patches and updates.

I have been involved, however time is the real key when it comes to glitches I believe. However I think people have had this new guide for some time now and not much has been brought to light about any glitches. I think it's more to keep from the call centers getting flooded more then anything
When your looking at a huge change like the HD-GUI, yeah you need to do it in small groups to not overwhelm the call center. Sure it works great, testing has proven that. However there are MANY people out there that cringe at change. The moment they pull up the guide and things look "different", they are going to think what the heck happened? They might call in and ask... flooding the call center. There are people who will be opposed to certain features, things that confuse them, etc...

Anytime you change the entire look of the UI, you need to be careful about rolling it out.

If you want it sooner and would like to contribute to testing new releases, feel free to check out the CE program. That is what it's there for. No other provider has such a unique way of testing software updates. You won't find that with Cable, fios, uverse or dish. Take advantage of the great CE program to test drive new releases. Just check the CE forums to see if they are on schedule for the usual Friday and Saturday nights.
When your looking at a huge change like the HD-GUI, yeah you need to do it in small groups to not overwhelm the call center. Sure it works great, testing has proven that. However there are MANY people out there that cringe at change. The moment they pull up the guide and things look "different", they are going to think what the heck happened? They might call in and ask... flooding the call center. There are people who will be opposed to certain features, things that confuse them, etc...

Anytime you change the entire look of the UI, you need to be careful about rolling it out.

If you want it sooner and would like to contribute to testing new releases, feel free to check out the CE program. That is what it's there for. No other provider has such a unique way of testing software updates. You won't find that with Cable, fios, uverse or dish. Take advantage of the great CE program to test drive new releases. Just check the CE forums to see if they are on schedule for the usual Friday and Saturday nights.

Great post ...

Hutch, read the do's and don't s first.
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Questions about the firmware upgrade/new GUI

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