Dear KE4EST Thanks for your time, the FTA I'm using is for FTA channels 30 West... the question is for the remote controllers, I have a Pansat box that is broken with a good working remote controller, to replace the Pansat I'd buyed an used Coolsat 5000 Platinum without the controller, trying here to avoid buying a new one. I also have a couple of Dish network controllers hanging around. Guessing if I can use those to control the coolsat box or the Pansat one because its not working with the Coolsat box. I was checking the list of channels that received on 30W and almost all of them are the same as per the SG list, those little boxes are still doing a great job! Besides that I need to manually program almost all transponders manually, a real pain... Sorry for my english! I re-read my first post and is confusing...