I read that PVC conduit accumulates a lot of moisture inside from condensation. Should I drill small holes in the bottom of the conduit so it can drain out ?
Depends on whether your cable is PE (PolyEthylene) or PVC (PolyVinylChloride) shielded. PE is more expensive than PVC.
PE is the stifff black stuff (mostly), PVC the white bendy stuff (mostly).
PE-sheathing makes the cable moisture and sun-proof (well, to all extents and purposes), so you can actually dig it into the ground as-is.
PVC is susceptible to UV-deterioration and moisture (mostly because of cracks), and therefore only recommended for use *in-doors or in walls*.
(Amazingly, most out-door installation I've ever seen used PVC-clad cable...)
So if you use PE-sheathed (cost more), then it doesn't matter at all how moist it gets inside the tube. If you use PVC-sheathed, then the tube needs to be well-drained (difficult at that small scale), or acts as a moisture-tight canal, and you will need to provide open-ending for ventilation etc.
Having said that, I have had PVC cabling run through an open-ended 30ft flexible water-pipe for 10 years, with no problems. (I've learned since then, and do all outdoor in PE now).
So you might just get away with anything...