From what I've experienced over the last 50 years, the quality of the service depends on the qulity of maintainance of the delivery systtem.
I grew up in the early 1960's and at that time all television was FREE with rabbit ears or an OTA antenna. Paying for something that I can get for free always seemed to me like a waste of money
For a short period in the 1970's cable was about $7 a month. That was OK, if there were channels that can't be had with an antenna.
After they lured customers in with inexensive prices, and when they in effect, became the only game in town, with their exclusive municipal contracts and special "deed restrictions" and exclusive contracts with apartment buildings, they became greedy. The annual price increase becam a ritual to gouge the hapless subscribers.
Along came c-band, which was a very very expensive option with high entry costs.
DBS became the very first low cost option to supplement OTA. Their provider model first had so littly band width that the so called "local channel" option delivered via satellite was only a glint in Charlie's eyes.
The nice thing with DBS is that you can now only buy channels that you can't receive through OTA and not pay for what you can get free with OTA. On that account, prefer the DBS model. And, that model continues to this day.
With other services like cable, Uverse and FIOS, you continue to pay for what you can get fro FREE.
Each provider has issues in picture quality and service outages from time to time. Contrary to the cable TV ads, my Dish Network service has always been ultra reliable. I've had it for 12 years. Just a week ago, I got upgraded with HD for Life, a HD receiver and a NEW EA dish, all for free.
HD appears a lot better, when compared to SD, as OTA HD is better than analog. After you get used to it, it no longer WOWs as it did when you first got it.
I'm getting HD locals for free with HD for life. I don't use it. HD OTA is much better and has more channels. No cable company, satellite or fiber company will likely offer tem all.
While there are new services and new devices available, I am completely satisfied with what I have.