SciFi channel HD??

Actually, yes I have...and it's a comic book series. Fun, but...

It's not truly/good science fiction. It's full of ludicrous premises, gaping holes of logic and fantasy elements that, while perhaps entertaining, relegate it to the pulp side of things.

That said, it's the difference between Blade Runner and Spiderman 3. If you don't know the difference I'm not going to bother...most (seemingly) don't or don't care and won't ever--it's why you have 99% worthless content on SciFi, imho.

As some others have said in previous posts--Mind Control, Battlestar Galactica and Eureka are pretty much the only things worth watching (I've given many other things a shot--and they always slip into campy wastes of time). And only two of those are science fiction, and only one is serious sci-fi. There you go.

It sounds to me like you know what you are talking about... and yet you are trying to rationalize and justify what you like (i.e. normal primate behavior).

Before I watched Heroes, I thought "Heroes=Spiderman". However, in reality, Bionic Woman is exactly what I thought Heroes was going to be, i.e. Network-executive-driven content. Heroes deals with genetic evolution, which seems to be a pretty science-driven area. Where they go with it remains to be seen. "Andromeda" started out very science-based and went quickly into the fantasy-adventure genre, so such a change would be not be unusual.

Conversely, Battlestar Galactica seems to be using the convenience of a time and place far away for a) social commentary and b) soap opera - in other words, no different from Star Wars.

For example, the "half white and half black" episode of Original Star Trek was not really Science Fiction - it just used the convenient different world of the "future" to make a social comment.

Just my opinion... and by the way, none of this is meant to comment about the quality of any of these shows, just the "genre".

PS Anyone out there who has seen all of "24" and all of "Battlestar Galactica" ??
Been There done that

I've seen all of each, as well. Also Star Trek & Star Wars. Agree w/ statement about Heroes & Bionic Women is doing well + has the actress from BSG as the "enemy".
Did you see The Lost Room? How did you like that?

Yeah, I watched 'The Lost Room.' It really had me going until about half-way through and I realized it wasn't going to have much of a substantive payoff...some nice stylish touches/scenes, but didn't end up with a mind blower of a conclusion, unfortunately. It had a cool metaphysical/cosmological core, but in the end it just resorted to raw plot (i.e. object collecting, chases and escapes) and never explained anything. The same thing I fear will happen w/ 'Lost'...

Now, back to the topic: Is SciFi HD in HD? Yes. O.K.

Next question: Does that make it better? Or is that even relevant?
Before I watched Heroes, I thought "Heroes=Spiderman". However, in reality, Bionic Woman is exactly what I thought Heroes was going to be, i.e. Network-executive-driven content. Heroes deals with genetic evolution, which seems to be a pretty science-driven area.

I would not call that science fiction. It mentions genes and evolution, in the same way that Spiderman talks about genes and mutations, but that is just a throw away explanation. A slight change to a gene doesn't make gravity go away or make you able to locate other people just by thinking of them. Science fiction requires a certain amount of plausibility. A warp drive may never be invented. The physics behind a war drive may not exist in reality. But it is somewhat plausible. There are literally trillions of genetic mutations on this planet. The average human carries a couple unique mutations. We do not, and will not, ever see mutations that allow for most of the things these heroes can do. That is magic. I do enjoy the show, though.
PS Anyone out there who has seen all of "24" and all of "Battlestar Galactica" ??[/quote]

I have seen all of both. Thank the stars for DVR, and in the case of Battlestar Galactica, I have seen all of both the original series as well as the new series.
I would not call that science fiction. It mentions genes and evolution, in the same way that Spiderman talks about genes and mutations, but that is just a throw away explanation. A slight change to a gene doesn't make gravity go away or make you able to locate other people just by thinking of them. Science fiction requires a certain amount of plausibility. A warp drive may never be invented. The physics behind a war drive may not exist in reality. But it is somewhat plausible. There are literally trillions of genetic mutations on this planet. The average human carries a couple unique mutations. We do not, and will not, ever see mutations that allow for most of the things these heroes can do. That is magic. I do enjoy the show, though.


But is there any news about SciFi HD on Dish?
For what it is worth, here is what Dish sent me in response to my request for SciFi HD:

Thank you for your email. Specific information regarding your request for HD version of SCI FI is not currently available. We would like to add that option, to make viewers like you happy, but we do not know if or when this will happen. We will gladly forward your request to our Programming Department for further consideration.

We thank you for your input as we continually review our options in order to provide a compelling lineup for our viewers. Please stay tuned for consumer Charlie Chats that are broadcast monthly on Channel 101 or logon to our website for future programming announcements.
For what it is worth, here is what Dish sent me in response to my request for SciFi HD:
didnt say a SCi-fi HD version wasnt available. It said that specific info for your request wasnt available. So who knows when or if they will add it
I think there have been enough posts to establish, beyond reasonable doubt, that there is SciFi HD on D*.

Now it's just a matter of when E* gets off their a**es and signs a contract, unless there isn't transponder space. Anyone know the answer to that question?
Everyone bow down to uncrules, he will never make a mistake, he is perfect.

A Perfect A** for needing to point out someone making an honest mistake, and admitting it, and not pointing out the very reasons why I made the mistake (never seen anything released by Sci-Fi or info on their websit
Everyone bow down to uncrules, he will never make a mistake, he is perfect.

A Perfect A** for needing to point out someone making an honest mistake, and admitting it, and not pointing out the very reasons why I made the mistake (never seen anything released by Sci-Fi or info on their websit
correct, you did admit it.
I say we move on:)
Everyone bow down to uncrules, he will never make a mistake, he is perfect.

A Perfect A** for needing to point out someone making an honest mistake, and admitting it, and not pointing out the very reasons why I made the mistake (never seen anything released by Sci-Fi or info on their websit
Ok, I didn't see your apology at the time. I have seen it now. My apologies to you. I'll be a big enough person to admit that I made a mistake. I have gotten tired of seeing E* conspicary theorists rag on D* claiming that they are creating non existing channels by upconverting them in order to inflate their HD number. Again my apologies to you.

Where is the Charlie Chat Summary?

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