Should I get a 922?

Although I still have not decided to switch, but the worst that can happen is I would be out the money I paid for it as I could always switch back to the 722k. I have 2 of these and one of them has been replaced 5 times. It seemed to catch every 722k disease that came along. However, strangely the other 722k has never had a problem. In 3 years I have not had to reboot it and it has not caught any of the diseases the other one has. So I guess that goes to show you that there certainly are differences in the hardware. The problem with relying on forums such as this one is mostly the people who have problems post. It is rare to hear from people who don't have problems like "krauser1". I mean why would they post if they aren't having any problems, that's not exciting, but for someone like me who is trying to decide it is valuable to hear both sides.
The 922 is not only a pos but was the bastard child when I worked there. It 'worked' for some, busy the vast majority complained about it. I remember talking to a customer 5 times about their 922 in just over a months time(I wasn't the only agent they spoke with) and the technician. I ended up getting promoted a couple times and I could always count on talking to that customer again, no matter where I was at, about what is 922 is screwing up this time. That was just one example. Even the people with success stories hated that damn reciever. Worst thing ever, except it bred us the hopper. I love my hopper. And would more then be happy to give up some capabilities like interchangeable EHD in the RV. However for what you are asking, get a blu ray player, and go to red box for your 3d viewing. That will keep you happiest. You guaranteed will not be happy with a 922. And that's after having almost every tv provider out there, 922 is the worst. PS likely any workorder created on the account will lose your grandfather superstations. This includes adding and or changing equipment.
Your point is well taken. Just for your information, adding a new piece of equipment doesn't generate a work order and therefore doesn't eliminate the superstations, I know this because I did add the 612 to my account for my first RV use this year and then removed it. In the past I'd take take one of my 722k's and set it up in the RV. That worked but running the check switch 2 times was kind of a Pain and then have to do it again when I put it back in my home. The interesting thing about as the 722k I used for this was the one I have never had any trouble with, so all the moving around did it no harm, just a pain. I am leaning of just staying where I am. If Dish ever changes their mind about what other receivers I can have on my account I'll probably get a Hopper. Otherwise if I want to see a movie in 3D I'll get the disk.
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Probably a good plan.

I must add, I have two HWS and an owned Joey and have never lost a recording, save 3 from "corrupted" that all happened to be recorded during a freeview. But I must admit there were T-storms in the area then. Also, they won't record OTA via the EPG other than the -01 channel. But that's a known error and will be fixed.

The ViP922 is on its way out. Not a good idea to invest in one today. BTW, I am careful to say "ViP922" and not just "922" because there is a 922 FTA receiver out there.

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My personal experience with the 922 was positive (I didn't get one until AFTER all the buggy-boo period). I really LOVED it. The guide colors of the 922 are better than with the Hopper.The 922 also has Sling buit-in, and that was pretty neat.
as others have said, there just isn't much 3D content on Dish. You might be very disappointed.
Also, when I upgraded to the Hopper, I did not lose my Superstations. Please contact a DIRT member here and find out if you REALLY will lose Superstations. If they say you won't, then by all means, upgrade to the Hopper. It handles 3D content, but it is an over all better box and system than the 922, upon which it was based. Further, be certain to get the Hopper with Sling, so that you can both Sling your content AND transfer your recordings to your mobile device.

FWIW, if I had to be saddled with a ViP box, I would choose the 922. The other ViP's are OK (except I've heard more complaints about the 612), but 922 has better guide, Sling and worked just as well as the 722(K)'s, or even a bit more stable then those.

Good luck.
To clarify, I am not saying that you will absolutely lose your superstations. Dish uses two systems for their account activity. One is called CSG, the other is called Promo. Promo is what every agent you speak with uses. CSG is the back system that controls any and everything dish related, for a higher office. In promo, any change whatsoever, that gets saved(we called it finish and review), would create and close a work order. This includes adding,changing, removing programming and equipment. If they have worked a system where the system will not use an equipment change as the type of work order that will give up grandfathered programming, then cool. If this is a possibility, then it would be done, most likely in CSG. Since that system can have manual changes in it that the auto system(promo) wont do. Dirt does not have access to CSG, but those higher offices, I mentioned, may have a close tie with them. Especially since they are all based out of Co. I hope that breaks down the "work order" portion of this conversation.
I have to say I am not sure why everyone is dissing so on the 922. I had one for over a year and never had the first issue. It is basically a 722K with a bigger HD, built in Sling, and a different GUI but people Rag it and praise the 722K like people in computer forums used to rag on Windows ME and Praise Windows 98 when all Me was was 98 with a few more bells and whistles. The 922 is a good box in my book. The only reason I got rid of mine was I got mad at Dish and went to Direct for two years when the canceled development of the multiroom extender which was supposed to allow you to watch HD from the TV 2 output of the 922.
I can honestly say I still love my 922. The early days it had its bugs. I have yet to have any problems over the last year or so. It's been a rock solid piece of hardware. Just my opinion.

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As a person who had the 922 from the "early days" I can only say that I find it hard to believe the 922 is rock solid,but it it works for you God Bless you. THis receiver was one of the buggiest receivers I have ever had from DISH. I also had the 921 pvr that was the other most buggiest receiver. The only other receiver in the 900s that was any good was the 942 but they quickly took that one off the market . I had two of those and they were great.
I'm confused that Dish dropped 3D support in their latest (and greatest ?) receiver given how popular 3D is and continues to be.... :eek
I had the 922 from the day retailers were able to test it out. At first is was not that great, mostly due to the remote. I think I had the 922 for about 2 years and it worked just fine for me once they had the new remotes. I know that plenty of people hated it but mine worked well. That being said, I still wouldn't trade my Hopper system for anything else. By far the best system I've had. The benefits far outweigh the bugs it can have.
The Great Recession decimated my usual upgrade paths for a number of tech items... I have been limping along with my old stuff until better times return.

My question, ... I have a 722, a 622, and 2 211s... All with external hard drives boosting or enabling their storage.

I have been resistant going the Hopper/Joey route as I thought it would be a step back storage wise, compared with what I have now, plus I would lose all the stored content as they wouldn't migrate to the new system, I believe. I also wanted to keep my options open as Verizon Fios is available in my area, which I use for phone and internet, so it might make sense to go that route (after 14 years with Dish Network, I'm not feeling the love anymore as they dropped SNY in the New York market two years ago and look like they are never bringing it back, or any other New York based regional sports nets, although they are still happy to keep charging us New York/New Jerseyans for one)....

But I digress.... What is the free storage on the Hopper/Joeys? I assume that recording of all broadcast nets eats up a chunk of space. That really doesn't interest me as I rarely watch shows within a week of when they air as I tend to binge watch after several eps build up.... I am assuming I would get handcuffed to E* for two more years, but didn't know what else I was sacrificing in order to get up to the current generation of hardware.
You don't need to record the broadcast nets (PTAT). I don't.

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Bob, You will not lose all of your stored EHD content. The EHDs that you have connected to your 722s and 622s will transfer over to the Hopper. You will be able to watch shows that you have saved on those EHDs.
To clarify, I am not saying that you will absolutely lose your superstations. Dish uses two systems for their account activity. One is called CSG, the other is called Promo. Promo is what every agent you speak with uses. CSG is the back system that controls any and everything dish related, for a higher office. In promo, any change whatsoever, that gets saved(we called it finish and review), would create and close a work order. This includes adding,changing, removing programming and equipment. If they have worked a system where the system will not use an equipment change as the type of work order that will give up grandfathered programming, then cool. If this is a possibility, then it would be done, most likely in CSG. Since that system can have manual changes in it that the auto system(promo) wont do. Dirt does not have access to CSG, but those higher offices, I mentioned, may have a close tie with them. Especially since they are all based out of Co. I hope that breaks down the "work order" portion of this conversation.

I'm not sure I completely understand what you have said, however, I do know I have removed one station (National PBS which was grandfathered to me) and added and disconnected one receiver and I still have the superstations. But even if the addition of Hopper to my system could be done without removing the superstations I still can't use it because of the 612 I like to use in my RV. So Hopper continues to be off the table until Dish changes it's mind about what other receivers you can have on an account.
Really? That just removed what was the major stumbling block to me upgrading.... I have a bunch of content that I would hate to lose access to..... I knew I could move them between the 622 and 722, but I didn't realize they could jump generations without a hitch as well.... Hmm. Anyone know if they do free upgrades to upgrade to Hopper/Joey in exchange for a new commitment, or is there some other charge involved? (I'm on the service plan as well)

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