I've been getting signal lost messages this afternoon on both my receivers. Once at the same time at least twice on one but not the other (211 and 722) First happened on 195 (61.5) and now 138 (72.7)
Had my roof replaced a month ago and the roofers didn't get my dish properly aimed. Matt arranged for a service call and it was reaimed. Still not sure if it's right Best signal on 72.7 is on T21 & 29 at 59. On 61.5 it's 69 on T32 but 0 on T3 and 6 on T5. Are these levels OK or do I need to get a follow up service call.
Had my roof replaced a month ago and the roofers didn't get my dish properly aimed. Matt arranged for a service call and it was reaimed. Still not sure if it's right Best signal on 72.7 is on T21 & 29 at 59. On 61.5 it's 69 on T32 but 0 on T3 and 6 on T5. Are these levels OK or do I need to get a follow up service call.