Single Cable to Dual Tuner and Single tuner


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Original poster
Jul 5, 2008
I have Twin LBF attached to my dish with a single cable running from it to an existing dual-tuner. The single cable hooks up in to a separator which has two outputs going to the dual tuner.

Is it possible to have the separator output be the input to a switch so that i can connect both a dual tuner reciever and a single tuner reciever to the switch?

Is there any other way to have the dual tuner and single tuner run off of one cable?

thanks for the help.
Separators only work for one receiver, never for more than one. However, if you go with a single satellite setup such as 61.5 only and use a satellite rated high frequency power pass splitter on a DishPro setup, you can do multiple receivers with one line. However, you'll never be able to run multiple satellite orbital slots that way.

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