Sonicview 360 Premier - Disappointment

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 26, 2008
Is anyone else out there having problems with their Sonicview 360 Premier tuner? Mine is loaded with apparent software bugs that render it only partly usable. I'm running the latest (0105) firmware, and all the replies from SV support seem to be 'canned' responses, like "reformat your disk drive again", "reinstall the firmware", or "that isn't supported".

Here's my list of grievances:

1. The box will recognize an external USB disk when first connected, and can write to and read from it, but after some period of time it "forgets" the disk and gives 'incorrect format' or 'no disk' errors. This makes the box practically useless for recording, because when the scheduled recording time arrives it doesn't recognize the disk.
With some trial and error, I found that the sv360 forgets about the disk drive if it is tuned to a channel that fades out. Somehow a loss of signal triggers it to trash its internal memory. A complete power recycle cleans this all up.

2. After scanning 2 or 3 satellites, the box reports 'no memory' when doing a TP scan. A complete power recycle clears this up.

3. I got a Sonic Voom headphone so I could start listening to AC3 modulated sound using the optical SPDIF output. I can hear the sound for "normal" channels just fine, but ALL of the AC3 channels (PBS, Pentagon...) have no sound output. SV support tells me that these channels are modulated in a format that can't be decoded.:mad:

4. The time setting is screwy. If you leave the time setting to automatic, the time on the clock changes by several hours depending on which satellite you are pointing at. (maybe this is normal...). I have to point to an echostar sat and set the time to automatic then back to manual to set the time every time I cycle the power (which is often).

I learned from my research while getting into this hobby that most of these satellite boxes don't live up to their expectations, and I would still be sitting on the sidelines if I was waiting for the perfect receiver to come along. Still, it would be nice at least if most of its features actually worked.
I have the same unit and have had most of the same problems - except the SonicVoom issue. My AC3 through the SonicVoom works fine. Take a look at the Audio settings and switch the AutoDolby settings from on to off. That might be it.

I concur on the clock issue. I always find myself fixing the time.

I have another issue which is a bit touchy. I bought mine used and the previous owner had loaded a "third party" firmware on it. I put back the factory firmware v105 but when I did that I lost AC3 audio from live tv (like amc21). With any "third party" firmware I get the AC3 audio but lose it as soon as I record. Not cool with me.

I think SV boxes are meant to be pirate boxes and not for true FTA. Soon I will need a good HD box for AMC21 and would like to record PBS, so I'll think about a Coolsat - except they don't have blindscan which the SV8000 does...can't win I guess
Sonicview, Viewsat, Captive works are all pretty poor recivers, they are not recommended, stick with the good receivers like:


You should always review on the boards before making a purchase, even the good brands have there better receivers.
I think SV boxes are meant to be pirate boxes and not for true FTA. Soon I will need a good HD box for AMC21 and would like to record PBS, so I'll think about a Coolsat - except they don't have blindscan which the SV8000 does...can't win I guess

You should have a look at the Pansat 9200. It records and has a good blind scan
You could get a Coolsat 8100 and a Coolsat 5000 for less than the price of a Pansat 9200, and have , in my opinion, superior functionality with the duo, over the single more expensive 9200. There are many ways to "slice and dice" your options.
Thanks for the tip... I was going to get an Elite, I liked my SV 4000 when I had it.....but since I see problems with the elite...I'll just pass on it....

Maybe I'll look at the Pansat 3500 closer...I know a lot of guys like them...:up
Oh yeah, I was ready to go with a top-of-the line receiver, but the more I read, the more I found that they all seemed to be missing something. My ideal FTA receiver should be able to record from satellite and ATSC tuners to an external disk, not have problems hanging up, be able to do a blind scan, have true 1080i resolution, decode AC3, and be able to pick up FTA HD (PBS) broadcasts all for under $300. Another nice-to-have would be lan connectivity with Apple TV-like functionality that I would be willing to pay more for.

When this finally happens, my 360 Premier will be retired. I'm just glad I didn't pay $400 and wind up disappointed.
You should always review on the boards before making a purchase...
Let me add to this good advice.

One problem is -where- you do your research.
There are many hacker forums who extol the virtues of -some- brands.
Same is true for many hardware vendors you see on the 'net.

So, when a newbie comes here looking to do real FTA, and mentions certain brands...
I really feel sorry for them, and wish they'd come here first.

Of course the other side of the coin, is that we may not recommend nor suggest something new.
It takes a while to discover if a new receiver is reliable and has good support if bugs are found.

And last category is a receiver delivered to market before the firmware is done.
Those look bad at first, but after a round or two of firmware upgrades, may be real winners! - :up

All the reviews I've read here on SatGuys has been pretty fair and even-handed.
Bugs are exposed, and when the manufacturer releases fixes, they're applauded.
I have both the Elite and the Premier...they act very differently. I like the Elite...good sensitivity, good AFC action, actually acts like a real FTA receiver. The Premier has virtually no AFC have to be dead on frequency with skinny signals, and when the LO in the LNB is drifty the tuner won't lock quick enough to get a channel scan. It works ok on 20000 SR signals...of course.
Master of none,
did you find a fix on the sv 360 Premier, of the AC-3? I just ran into that issue today. And as you said of SV support's staement of 'no fix'.
And as usual, this one sends to another person, which that person does not get back in contact about the issue.
No, I never found an answer to the AC3 problem. There is an "Auto Dolby Select" option in the configuration menu, but it does not make any difference what it is set to.

If you record a program that has AC3 sound on the SV Premier, the displayed picture will freeze while it is recording, but the video and sound are saved perfectly in the recording. I've been capturing shows from PBS-X this way, and then play them back later on a PC or Sansa Fuze player.
Hmm I have the elite edition dual tuner and see no problems with anything.Only had it a few weeks so....Sure it 's not freezing because it's a single tuner and cant show and record at same time?Try any third party yet?may fix something ya just never know.I have more luck with 3rd party than factory as they keep up mostly where as the factory don't care.the 3rd party want to keep thier party going so they keep fixing things so they still have a job as long as sales are up.
One thing the Satellite's Names has changed. And almost have to refer to "The List" of locations, then wonder if that is the Satellite you are getting.
Then the AC-3, with the Audio Icons both up, can not get the sound!
I would like to do a 3rd Party, but I have no clue on that.
A fellow member has been trying a 'Channel Master" of converting Coolsat 5000 list into a Sonicview 360 Premier. And He is having a heck of a time getting it to work. So his buddy is trying the 'Channel Master' to work also.

But as far as 3rd party,,, I have looked around, but it is almost a "Become a member" before getting any Idea what you may be getting into. And If is is just a factory stuff, then I just wasted some money that is available with the manufature's own bins.

And I see you have the "Elite Edition" Which could be a whole different configuration.
Same unit just dual tuners.3rd party stuff sometimes fixes issues with factory firmware.Not allways.The sat files thou are still out of date.I plan on emailing them and seing whats up with that.
One thing the Satellite's Names has changed. And almost have to refer to "The List" of locations, then wonder if that is the Satellite you are getting.
Then the AC-3, with the Audio Icons both up, can not get the sound!
I would like to do a 3rd Party, but I have no clue on that.
A fellow member has been trying a 'Channel Master" of converting Coolsat 5000 list into a Sonicview 360 Premier. And He is having a heck of a time getting it to work. So his buddy is trying the 'Channel Master' to work also.

But as far as 3rd party,,, I have looked around, but it is almost a "Become a member" before getting any Idea what you may be getting into. And If is is just a factory stuff, then I just wasted some money that is available with the manufature's own bins.

And I see you have the "Elite Edition" Which could be a whole different configuration.

I hadn't access to the Sonicview 360 Premier the past few days, but researched all the information to convert the Coolsat 5000 (ndf) channel list to a Sonicview 360 Premier (bin) channel list and download to the sonicview via a USB stick.

In the meantime this afternoon I used Channel Master and converted one of my Coolsat 5000 channel lists to a Pansat 2700a (bin) channel list and did a write to stb. It took 5 minutes to download to the Pansat receiver, all the information downloaded correctly to the Pansat, including the proper satellite and channel names, and USALs selection. The only thing that did not transfer was the Longitude and Latitude settings for USALs use, but only took two seconds to enter. I wasn't paying much attention and forgot to edit in the correct switch settings and LNB types for each satellite, so incorect settings information was transfered for a few satellites. That took me a few more minutes to correct.

I then checked out each satellite and numerous channels. It works great! Now I just have to try this on the Sonicview 360P. If that works, then at least you have a quick fix to updating your satellite names, transponders and even a ready made channel list.

One note to make; The export/write-to-stb and convert function of Channel Master limited the active transponders to 500 max, I had twice that so I had to delete a bunch. Also limited the amount of TV channels to 2001, had to delete a lot of my encrypted channels listed from blind scans but that's OK.

Let you know in a few days how I make out for converting and downloading a list for the Sonicview 360 Premier.
Bad news for the Sonicview 360 Premier and Channel Master. I tried everything, using channel master. Yes you can import your channels from the Sonicview 360 Premier, and edit as far as creating favorites list and deleting channels.

However if you add a satellite, transponder or channel, or if you try and change the satellite position or name in Channel Master. Then down load back to the receiver, it crashes the box. You then have to go through a complicated process and load a "clean up" file S/W, then reload the factory firmware to get the box back up and working.

What I did for a couple friends over the past few days was scan in all the FTA channels on 28 satellites using the Sonicview 360 Premier. I created a list of about 300 TV and 100 radio channels that are not encrypted. I sent them the channel list, it will download to the sonicview and not crash the box.

There were many channels that my Coolsat 5000 would get in at 90% quality, but the Sonicview attached to the same dish system would read the transponder and same quality but not scan in these certain channels. KFTL-CA on 72W AMC6 was one of the channels it did not like and would not scan in. I tried to add the channel using Channel Master. But in doing so the new edited file would crash the Sonicview, so were does this leave us.

The only good thing to come out of testing the Sonicview 360P was to create a usable channel list for others to download, but doesn't get all the channels that are availible to other brand receivers.

The Sonicview is also very difficult to work with USALs and the factory firmware. 3rd party firmware fixes the USALs issue, but I wonder about the legality of installing this. I was told it's OK as long as it does not unscramble providers programming. Can anyone comment on the legal issue of using 3rd party firmware??????

For me, I am giving the guy back his Sonicview receiver I borrowed for testing and sticking with my Coolsat 5000, it works for True FTA and its legal.

I would post the TRUE FTA Channel list for the Sonicview 360 Premier. But do not know if there is a section on this forum for zipped file channel lists, or if such things are allowed. It doesn't contain feeds that are not listed at lynsat.
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What SAT is this?

ku satellites

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