Square Shooter And Analog


Old Fart
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Lifetime Supporter
Mar 26, 2004
Anyone with the Square Shooter antenna----Considering changing to this one, but wonder how it is handling the analog stations. All info I've seen here seems to be about digital only. I have a couple of analog stations that are really rotten even though I am only 10-12 miles away from the towers. Any feedback will be very helpful.
You won't find much in the way of analog information here, the VOOM STB only has a digital tuner in it. Also, just the act of splitting the signal to go to an analog tuner will cause a loss in the quality of the Digital signal.
Yes I do split the signal from my OTA antenna, but I also use a Channel Master 7777 preamp. I do pretty well with my digitals that way, but I still am curious about the Square Shooter's ability to handle the analog signals. I am looking at this change as a possible improvement to the set-up I am presently using. Still would like to hear from anyone using this antenna regarding the analog capability.
I currently have the Square Shooter, and am 13 miles from the tower. The installer hooked it up to my TV tuner to verify the antenna installation was ok, and it recieved a bunch of channels. Most were not very clear (lots of snow), but they were watchable. I don't have a pre-amp installed, and the signal was joined with my satellite signal. No picture on my Voom box, but analog was ok. Go figure (since the SS is hyped as a HD antenna).

HD channels OTA are just UHF channels. If you see an antenna hyped as a HDTV antenna, odds are it is just marketing. An antenna that was a good UHF antenna 30 years ago, would be a good HDTV antenna today.
Not quite true CraziFuzzy. 2 of the Cleveland digitals are VHF. But that's neither here nor there. Just trying to see if I can improve on a couple of my analog channels that have not yet gone digital.
Analog Update

Ok, I'm desperate for locals (still no locals thru the Voom box), so I hooked the antenna up to the TV and tried the analog tuner.

Holy sh*t! I got channels I didn't even know existed! Some spanish Ch 14. Go figure.

Some stations are crystal clear (2, 24, 56, 67), some have a lot of snow but are watchable (4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 22, 45), and a few are tunable but unwatchable (20, 50).

I'm in Baltimore, with the antenna pointed towards Baltimore. Of all of those stations, the antenna is only pointed towards 2, 11, 13, 24, 45, 54. Its not even close to pointed towards DC. (160 degrees off)

Well, with all these channels I must have a bad Voom box.

Thanks jgantert. Sounds like the Square Shooter does a pretty good job with the analog locals. Are you using a preamp with it? Do you have any local channels mapped on your PG? If so, you might try unplugging the V* box for 15-20 seconds for a hard re-boot. If that does not help with your digital locals, call V* and have them give you a re-hit. You may have to have a service call to replace the box or module.
No pre-amp. I have all of the Baltimore channels mapped, but they all say (no info) on my PG. I've rebooted, unplugged and rebooted, had voom re-hit my box, no luck.

I do currently have a service call to replace the box (and module hopefully).

Also have a real antenna installer coming out next Wednesday. Gonna bring his antenna, rotor, properly run the wiring, etc... He says I don't need an amp, but he will bring one anyway. All in all... $375. ouch, but its a lot cheaper than other installers, and I will own everything once he's done (and have a spare square shooter heh).

John - Good luck next Wed. with your service call. I was under the impression that V* would upgrade antennas if needed???. Don't know why you are having to pay if others have not. Anyway, I'll probably be ordering a Square Shooter for myself on E-Bay today for my local analogs.

I'm paying because the installers from Voom have done a horrible job. The antennas that they have installed (like the Square Shooter) should be strong enough to receive channes, but they are unwilling to run a seperate line for the antenna. Also, I do need to have a rotor installed to get DC. So, if I'm going to spend 150 or so to have someone out to do that, I might as well just have them do everything. I've been dealing with Voom for over a month. I've had 7 service calls. No luck so far recieving ANY local channels. I'm tired, and I'll trade some cash for 7 more service calls that probably wont work either.


Palm Springs, CA

An amplifier will not help you with locals

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