Hi guys. I'm brand new to the board and admittedly I don't know much about satellite systems. Recently some friend and I decided to give it a go this year for a satellite system and TV setup at a tailgate. I picked up an old Superdish that my parents had on their house that they kept around after they got a new one. They didn't know anything about it but said I could sure try it out. Yesterday we were giving the setup a dry run at my house and we could not find a signal to save our life. I want to say that I think I know what the problem is but I can't be sure so that's why I came here to ask. With Superdish do you need all three LNBs for it to work and find a signal? The two on the arm are still there but the one that would extend off to the side is missing. Is this my problem? Should I just get a new dish? If I haven't provided enough info and need to be more clear about something please just let me know. Thanks for reading and thanks for you help!